We’re not sure if it’s the hot summer weather, the pandemic-induced stress or the looming feeling of uncertainty, but the past few weeks have been seemingly stressful for the Maltese islands.
With street brawls popping up at every corner of the island, endless online arguments about every topic you could imagine and so much more, we took it upon ourselves to head to the streets of Malta and try to brighten up the country through random acts of kindness.
For our first act of kindness, Andrew heads to Bilom Service Station to give out fuel vouchers provided by Enemed to passers-by in an attempt to liven up their day and encourage them to spread the kindness. Enemed Company Ltd. is responsible for the importation, distribution and wholesale of petroleum products, making them the ideal people to collaborate with to bring free fuel to the people of Malta. As you can see in the video, the recipients of the vouchers were pleasantly surprised to have saved some money on their fuel and will hopefully reciprocate the gesture with another act of kindness.
Throughout the remainder of the week, we will be working with various local brands to conduct random acts of kindness across the island in order to help others get through their day with a smile on their face. The message is clear. If we work together and attempt to spread kindness to those around us at least once a day, we will create a happier and healthier community and ultimately achieve the sense of togetherness we so desperately need right now.