A heart-breaking video and a poem to go with it show birds flying around in Mosta at night time after the ficus trees they used for shelter were cut down in a controversial move.
The video was shared by local HipHop artist Liston Bongailas, who accompanied the post with a poem: ‘they took our home/ they took our shelter/ they took our peace of mind/ and we ended up in chaos.’
‘Ħadulna darna
Ħadulna l kenn
Ħadulna l wens
U spiċċajna biss f’ġenn
Illejla kollha għal Barra
Illejla kulħadd iddisprat
Ma nafx għaliex lilna l għasafar
kulħadd min familtu separat
L ġwienaħ ittertqu
Itiru bla waqfien
Fejn ħa naqbdu immorru
Kullimkien ħadulna, anke l widien.
Ejjew flimkien inwerżqu
Forsi xi proxxmu jismgħana
Forsi xi darba nerġgħu lura
Mal familja fid dar tgħana.’
The video was shared over a whopping 2.2K times, amassing 2.1K likes and over 400 comments in the 13 hours since it was uploaded.
The decision to cut the ficus trees was met with immense backlash, with activists and groups like Birdlife Malta and Steve Zammit Lupi calling out authorities for it.