
Tufty The Hedgehog Starts Regrowing Lost Spines

Tufty The Hedgehog Starts Regrowing Lost Spines
Sep 26 2023 Share

Wildlife Rescue Team Malta shared further updates in regards to Tufty the hedgehog’s healing, after she lost her spines due to a sever infection.

Now in her third cycle of treatment, Tufty is starting to regrow her spines. ‘She still needs to grow them fully, after which we will then start her return to wild behaviour.’ 

‘Tufty has really been a star up till now. She may not have enjoyed the medicated baths and all the procedures that her treatment needed, but she had the will to keep on going.’ 

Tufty was part of a trio of hedgehogs who were rescued, with one of them unfortunately passing away. The other hedgehog was also healing, with their face being visible despite their previous ailments. 

All animals rescued by WRTM are protected species and it is illegal to keep them as pets in Malta.


New Agreement To Improve Conditions For Health Care Workers

New Agreement To Improve Conditions For Health Care Workers
Sep 26 2023 Share

More than 4,000 workers in the public health sector will receive better pay and conditions. This comes after a new sectoral agreement was signed for nurses and midwives, along with a new sectoral agreement for ECG technicians.

During a visit for the signing of these agreements, Prime Minister Robert Abela emphasised that these sectoral agreements are a strong indication of a government committed to investing significantly in areas crucial to the community, with the healthcare sector being one of the most vital areas for the people and the country.

“Malta has a healthcare service that consistently ranks among the best. There is no doubt that the contribution of the workers is essential and central to all of this. That’s why we are investing in one of the leading professions to provide this service. I am immensely satisfied that when we sign these agreements, which represent another fulfilled promise, we are providing the best conditions our nurses have ever had. I have full confidence in what we are doing,” said the Prime Minister. 

The Prime Minister also emphasised the government’s desire for more young people to choose nursing as a vocation. 

“Entering nursing is an act of love for the patient. But everyone knows that, in the end, one also expects that the sacrifices made in both study and work will lead to a fulfilling career that not only provides satisfaction but also helps to live a better quality of life. This agreement aims to strengthen this profession and be seen as a career where one can progress,” said the Prime Minister.

While emphasising the government’s intention to improve the quality of life, he stated that this is one step in a series of initiatives. “Therefore, the country needs to continue to grow the economy to then reinvest what is created in the most critical areas,” said the Prime Minister.

For the signing of these agreements, the Prime Minister was accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health, Chris Fearne, and the Minister for Active Aging, Jo Etienne Abela.

Describing the agreement as a historic one, the President of the MUMN, Paul Pace, said, “The benefits are many. The primary beneficiaries and the most important are the patients admitted to various hospitals, the elderly residing in institutions, citizens visiting health centres, and those mothers who enter the hospital to give birth to their children.”

He added that with this agreement, we will have more motivated nurses and midwives. “Everyone is aware of the worldwide shortage of nurses. But here in Malta, we haven’t just acknowledged the problem, but more importantly, we’ve worked together to encourage more young people to choose this profession as their career. We’ve also introduced incentives to ensure that nurses and midwives remain in employment, especially those of a young age,” said Paul Pace.

“This Sectoral Agreement couldn’t have come at a better time because it will begin to address this shortage and create stability,” said Pace, also noting that this Sectoral Agreement will incentivise further specialisation for nurses and midwives. “This specialisation is crucial for patients to receive more targeted care for their needs. The most important aspect of this Sectoral Agreement is that it precisely addresses where the challenges lie. The biggest challenge is the shortage of nurses, and it is precisely this that this Sectoral Agreement is addressing. The key to the success of this Sectoral Agreement is that the benefits it contains will stay within these two professions so that young people, when choosing a career, can see the difference,” concluded Pace, thanking the government team involved in the negotiations.

Also present was the Permanent Secretary for Elderly Care, Tony Sultana, along with other government and union officials.


Jake Vella Kicks Off New School Year From Mater Dei

Jake Vella Kicks Off New School Year From Mater Dei
Sep 26 2023 Share

Beloved athlete Jake Vella has kicked off his Year 10 studies from Mater Dei Hospital, after having been admitted due to medical complications. 

Posting to social media, Vella, who suffers from ROHHAD, a disease which keeps him obese despite attempts at thinning down, shared an image of him starting his early morning classes at the hospital.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

All ready with his laptop and other school necessities, Jake looks all set to continue his studies despite the hurdles.

Jake is renowned for his resilience despite such medical situations, having picked up learning the guitar over the summer after a Minister took to social media to echo his wish to learn the instrument and find him a mentor. 


Heavy Traffic Reported Around Malta As Schools Reopen

Heavy Traffic Reported Around Malta As Schools Reopen
Sep 26 2023 Share

Whereas many were excited to return to the classroom, many found that the commute to the beginning of the new scholastic year proved to be outright frustrating.

Many on social media are reporting heavy traffic congesting various Maltese roads as many try to make it on time for their first day in a new grade or possibly a new school altogether. 

Facebook page ‘Maltese Roads Traffic Updates’ reported around an hour ago how there is heavy traffic heading towards Marsa from Garibaldi Road, Luqa, and Tal-Barrani Road. 

Some accidents were also reported, with one causing delays in Żabbar in the direction of Marsascala. 

It is expected that 34,699 students are set to start or return to school this week. 

Did you get stuck in traffic this morning?
