A new study has continued to back an already observed phenomenon of men being reluctant to give up meat in order to preserve their perception of masculinity.
An Australian research study took a sample of 4,897 men and women to complete an online survey about attitudes and intentions regarding meat consumption and abstention.
The study measured the participants’ self-rate gender typicality (which is the extent to which men view themselves as masculine and women view themselves as feminine).
The study found that men in Australia may resist giving up meat because eating meat is a way of enacting their masculinity.
The study also found that more feminine women (along with more masculine men) viewed meat as ‘more natural, necessary and nice.’
‘This raises the interesting possibility that self-rated gender typicality may be equally predictive of men and women’s meat-related attitudes, though men’s masculinity more strongly predicts meat-related behaviours’ the study notes.
Previous studies, like one conducted in 2021 in Los Angeles, also corroborated this phenomenon. It found, through 1,706 American adults, that ordering steaks to standing over BBQs can feel and be seen as masculine behaviour.
The two studies both recommend taking into consideration gender conceptualisation when it comes to appealing for meat reduction for any reason.
Read the full study here.