It was revealed during the conference ‘L-ilsien Malti għal qalbi – Konferenza dwar l-użu ta’ lsienna’, that 97% of Maltese nationals consider the Maltese language as their primary language.
The conference was organised by the Office of the President of Malta, wherein experts, linguists and exponents of the Maltese language analysed the language’s place and the challenges it faces to adapt to changing times.
Speaking on the statistic, psychologist Stephanie Borg Bugeja said that this resulted from the National Council for Maltese Language and the University’s Maltese Department.
The study showed that Maltese strong even though Malta is a largely bilingual country, with the language being strong even among the youth.
Minister for National Heritage Owen Bonnici addressed the conference, saying that such events promote the use of Maltese further and make the jump it needs even in the digital sphere.