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Guys’ butt-enhancing underwear is taking the world by storm

Guys’ butt-enhancing underwear is taking the world by storm
Mar 14 2022 Share

There’s a massive trend currently going around in the world of men’s underwear and it is way more popular than people may think. Rounderbum is a butt-enhancing underwear brand which comes with two butt-shaped polyurethane foam pieces which are woven into the backside of the briefs. 

Makers described the effect as ‘lift technology’, and it does exactly what you think it does. Rounderbum acknowledges previous similar iterations of the technology, but this particular brand has managed to reach well over $1 million in sales since 2015. 

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The brand first won $150,000 during an appearance on business reality TV show Shark Tank, with inventor Jonathan Diersing saying that Amazon sales shot up a thousand percent. 

In fact, the butt-lifting briefs are currently the fourth best-selling pair of trunks on the site, with Diersing describing it as ‘spongy, like a real butt.’ 

The rapid expansion of the brand is suggestive of men being under similar pressure to women to present an eye-captivating behind. ‘We’re not here to fake anyone out’ says Diersing. ‘We just want your clothes to fit as well on you as they do on a mannequin.’

Butt padding is not such a bizarre practice, but the majority of products were previously marketed for reasons other than image-improvement. Rounderbum is shameless about their goal to just make one’s butt look bigger just for its own sake. 


Adrian Delia hits back at Mary Spiteri’s political rally comments

Adrian Delia hits back at Mary Spiteri’s political rally comments
Mar 14 2022 Share

After popular local singer Mary Spiteri made a snark remark about PN supporters, Nationalist MP and former leader Adrian Delia took to Facebook to issue a public reply. 

The comments by Spiteri were made during a political rally for Health Minister Chris Fearne, with Spiteri urging people to vote PL for the 26th March general election.

The singer went on to exclaim how much the Opposition will cry, implying a certain victory for Labour. ‘Min jab kemm ser jibku, msieken. Jaħasra’ said the singer. 

The comments did not sit well with Delia, who posted a section of the video and captioning it by saying that ‘politics isn’t about who cries most or about people who ‘lose’ becoming ‘msieken’. Politics is about who manages to do good to anyone.’ 

‘No to politics of hatred. Yes to politics in favour of our Malta’ said Delia. Mary Spiteri is well known for representing Malta during the 1992 edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, finishing in their place with ‘Little Child’. 


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Traffic gridlock following horrific road accident – 22 year old seriously injured

Traffic gridlock following horrific road accident - 22 year old seriously injured
Mar 14 2022 Share

Malta’s roads are currently experiencing a massive gridlock due to an incident which occurred at 3:30am on Triq Reġjonali, Santa Venera. 

Police revealed that they were informed of the accident in the early hours of last night, with preliminary investigations revealing that a 22-year-old from Naxxar lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a wall and road structures. 

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The Civil Protection Department were called onto the scene, with an ambulance taking the driver to Mater Dei where he was certified as having suffered grievous injuries. 

Several local Facebook portals are reporting traffic gridlocks all around the island, with Maltese Roads Traffic Updates posting snapshots and timestamps of what is currently ongoing out on the roads. 

As of yet, several main arteries are blocked, with drivers still making their way to work. Authorities are encouraging people to drive more carefully as many roads are packed with vehicles. 


Photo Source: Police Communications, Maltese Roads Traffic Updates

‘They are boasting about being corrupt’; Bernard Grech addresses PN mass rally in Paola

'They are boasting about being corrupt'; Bernard Grech addresses PN mass rally in Paola
Mar 13 2022 Share

On Sunday evening, Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech addressed a sizeable crowd at a mass rally in the Paola Sports Pavilion.

Grech stated that ‘Labour wants to control people’s lives’ but the people do not want to live in this oppression and on March 26th, will vote for change. He went on to state that in the polling booth, voters will make their choice alone and in silence, not through surveys and mass meetings. The PN leader highlighted that those who vote for PN on election day will be voting for change and liberty.

Circling back to the Labour Party’s past legislature, Grech stated that despite pledging to eliminate meritocracy and making Malta ‘the envy of Europe’, “they got us on the grey list.” Mirroring Robert Abela’s claims about Grech and the PN earlier today, the PN leader stated that Labour have learned nothing from their past mistakes.

With regards to the parties’ electoral manifestos, Grech stated that Labour tried to ridicule the Nationalist Party on certain manifesto mistakes and typos, while they took three weeks to publish their own which ‘only includes glittery words and nice design – because their vision does not exist.’

What do you make of Grech’s statements?
