
The PN have shown that they have learned nothing, says Robert Abela

The PN have shown that they have learned nothing, says Robert Abela
Mar 13 2022 Share

Addressing a Labour Party mass rally at the Floriana Granaries on Sunday, Prime Minister and Labour Party Robert Abela did not hold back on his opinion on the Nationalist Party.

Abela stated that the country never found any help from the Nationalist Party in the fight for Malta, going on to state that the people’s choice on March 26 is clear because we cannot afford to put our country at risk.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

Addressing the crowds in Floriana, Abela asked the people if they could imagine the PN leading the country amid crises such as the pandemic or the current tension. He went on to appeal to the people that they do not “approve these shameful ideas”, stating that “were it not written in black on white, you would not believe it” when referring to one of the PN’s social accommodation proposals.

Abela held that the PN will continue to put pressure on the working and middle class and on March 26, there is only one term and condition that comes with the PL manifest and that is to simply vote for it.


Car split in two after gruesome traffic accident in Imrieħel

Car split in two after gruesome traffic accident in Imrieħel
Mar 13 2022 Share

Officials within the Civil Protection Service are currently working a delicate operation to assist a driver who was injured in a gruesome traffic accident earlier today in Mrieħel.

Photo Source: TVM

The accident took place at around 11am at the Mrieħel Bypass when the driver lost control of his vehicle and crashed into a tree, splitting the car in two as a result of the impact. The victim was assisted by drivers in the area until to the arrival of a medical team – the cause of the accident is not yet known.

The driver was taken to Mater Dei hospital via ambulance and his condition is not yet known. The Mrieħel Bypass remains closed to traffic.


Photo Source: TVM / Justin Vassallo & Andrea Rossitto

Significant amount of Labour voters may boycott general election, Alfred Sant warns

Significant amount of Labour voters may boycott general election, Alfred Sant warns
Mar 13 2022 Share

Former Maltese Prime Minister and current Labour MEP Alfred Sant has stated that a significant amount of Labour voters may boycott the March 26 election due to a number of reasons.

Recent analysis such as statistician Vincent Marmara’s survey for It-Torċa have forecasted a Labour win by 39,000 votes whilst MaltaToday’s survey puts the voting bracket at 26,000 votes. Despite this, Sant has stated that, while the effect may not be large enough to change the election result, regular PL voters may spoil their vote or abstain, going on to highlight that the number of such individuals may be larger than what surveys are illustrating.

Whilst urging the Labour Party to attempt to recover votes lost, he argued the fact that some people may have had personal issues with Labour representatives, which must be justified, while other complaints may be of fascist nature and must be discarded.

Seemingly relating to the MEP’s sentiments, some took to the comments to express some of their own issues in this regard.

What do you make of this?


Rain showers and strong wings expected in Malta and Gozo on Sunday

Rain showers and strong wings expected in Malta and Gozo on Sunday
Mar 13 2022 Share

A look at the sky is more than enough indication that the weather isn’t the most pleasant today, but various Maltese weather pages have been forecasting strong winds and rain showers for the remainder of Sunday.

Facebook page ‘It-Temp Madwarna’ has forecasted a 95 per cent chance of rain, with winds as strong as gale force 5 and temperatures feeling as low as 9 degrees celsius. Elsewhere, ‘Malta Weather’ has warned of moderate to strong winds and rain showers across Malta and Gozo.

Malta’s Met Office via the Malta International Airport is reporting rainy weather with temperature highs of 13°C and lows of 10°C. Rather strong winds to strong Southeast becoming moderate are also expected, with a trough of low pressure extending from Morocco to Tunisia reported in the Maltairport website’s detailed forecast.

So don’t get your shorts and tank tops out just yet.
