Following the report by Times of Malta that a fight had taken place between two 12-year-old girls in a Naxxar school that involved a butter knife, the education ministry issued a public statement to clarify how the facts were being blown out of proportion.
The Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation, presided over by Minister Clifton Grima, stated that no act of violence is tolerated and thanked the educators for their immediate addressing of the situation.
‘In all the schools of the country, as is being done in the Naxxar school, massive good is being done by the educators, who with dedication and hard work give the best education to all students.’
The statement outlined the exact progress of events in the altercation and went on to say that any other version is incorrect and causing alarm for no reason whilst also undermining the educators’ work.
The statement highlighted how the student who grabbed the butter knife was immediately stopped and did not allow for any further fights.
‘The school staff took immediate action and sent for the parents on the same day. Apart form disciplinary actions, the students are being given the necessary assistance by the psychosocial team of the college itself.