The importance of youth in our society and how it functions cannot be understated.
In lieu of this important topic, KNZ is organising a ‘Youth Activism Matters: Empower Youth Voices’ campaign.

This event aims to engage youths between the ages of 15 to 30 years of age in discussions about the importance of voting at 16 and the potential for being elected as mayor at the age of 16 and 17. The conference will feature youth organisations and influential speakers who will provide insights into the youth perspective on civic engagement.
Objectives include raising awareness about significance of voting at age of 16; encouraging the participation of youth in civic processes; and discussing the potential impact of youth participation in local politics.
The latter includes the possibility of electing mayors at the age of 16 and 17 by facilitating open dialogue between youth and experienced individuals in the field.
The event is scheduled for the 16th of December 2023 between 8:45am and 1:45pm at Fort Sant Angelo.