Yorgen Fenech is not ‘a Rambo character’ says his mother in defence

Yorgen Fenech is not ‘a Rambo character’ says his mother in defence
Aug 20 2021 Share

Speaking on a blog by Simon Mercieca, Yorgen Fenech’s mother Mrs. Patricia Fenech defended her son’s name in saying that he is no Rambo character and that the alleged weapons were never seen nor ever entered Malta. She stated how she is using Mercieca’s platform to communicate as she knows he is ‘widely read and by a mixed type of readers, in that they have different political beliefs and ideas.’ 

She says that she felt the need to speak on the matters unfolding, despite not wishing to do so otherwise. Explaining how she has been part of the Tumas Group by marriage for the past 50 years, she has been deeply hurt by ‘insults and calumnies which have now gone on mercilessly and at times have been completely unjustified.’ 

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

She highlighted how ‘perhaps the word thing of the court sitting is that [they] were in court before the Judge while the office of the Attorney General published the bill of indictment in the media.’ Allegedly, none of the family or their lawyers knew what was going on. She stated that her son Yorgen is definitely not ‘a Rambo kind of character’. 

As ‘no one has seen the ammunition/weapons and it has never entered the country’, she asked how many readers stop to think about this alleged fact before accepting the words of the prosecution. 

Mrs. Fenech also cast doubt on who had access to her son’s communication equipment, implying that other parties other than the police had access to it. 

Read full blog post here. 


Photo Source: simonmercieca.com, The Guardian

New Ed Sheeran album ‘=‘ coming October 29th

New Ed Sheeran album ‘=‘ coming October 29th
Aug 20 2021 Share

Star Ed Sheeran has announced that his fifth studio album ‘=‘ (pronounced ‘equals’) will be released on the 29th of October. Writing on Instagram, Sheeran stated that the album has been a ‘long, long process’ as he’s been through ‘love, loss, new life, grief and everything in between during the whole period of writing it, and I feel like its really a coming of age record.’ 


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He expressed he’s never been more proud of a body of work or ‘more excited/nervous for [everyone] to hear it.’ One of the songs ‘Visiting Hours’ is dedicated to his friend Michael who sadly passed away this year. He first teased the album with the image of a chrysalis (a caterpillar in its pupa phase before becoming a butterfly). Sheeran’s 2014 album ‘x’ remains his biggest success as the 49th biggest-selling album ever in the UK. 


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Photo Source: @teddysphotos IG, People.com

Dog euthanasia case investigated by Animal Welfare Commissioner

Dog euthanasia case investigated by animal welfare commissioner
Aug 20 2021 Share

Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare has initiated an investigation of an alleged dog euthanasia case by the Animal Welfare Directorate. The incident allegedly occurred, according to Commissioner Alison Bezzina, over a period of time and involved three or four ‘bully breeds.’ In a statement by the Office of the Commissioner for Animal Welfare, it was revealed that the office is not in any way consulted beforehand in such cases as the law does not require the involvement of the commissioner’s office in any way. 

Quoting law CAP439 (43), the statement highlights how ‘aggressive animals shall not be kept in stock and may be slaughtered or culled if this is deemed to be necessary or expedient by the Director for Veterinary Services or Director for Animal Welfare.’ 

Activist group Vegan Prism also released a statement updating on the killings. The group allegedly met ‘very high-ranking officials within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights to discuss what is happening as well to present our proposals to what should be done moving forward.’ 

The statement by the activist group expressed how their biggest disappointment was that even though the Ministry accepted that the situation needs to avoid this from happening again, they allegedly expressed the notion that there is nothing that can be done for past actions. 

They revealed that the ministry is keen on implementing the proposals built for them by the activists. Muzzles have been ordered to be used, as well as a trained behaviourist to be added to the panel of decision makers with the power to decide a dog’s fate. 

The mass neutering for felines will still continue, but, given the lack of stray dogs, this will not be needed for canines. Vegan Prism gave credit to the ministry for working hard to improve Animal Welfare and even agreeing that this situation was managed quite poorly. An official social media presence is also allegedly around the corner. 


Photo Source: Alison Bezzina FB, Vegan Prism FB

Watch: Dutch club Ajax release Bob Marley inspired kits

Aug 20 2021 Share

Dutch club Ajax have recently released a Bob Marley inspired kit as their 3rd kit for this upcoming season. Ajax announced the release of the kit with a stylistic and vibrant video, which has gone viral on social media amongst many football fans.



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Ajax’s and Bob Marley’s strange connection started back in 2008, when Ajax had a pre-season game in Wales against Cardiff City. The Dutch supporters were asked to stay in the stadium longer to avoid congestion, during which they heard Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds being played by the DJ. The fans immediately embraced and loved the song, a song which has since become the clubs unofficial anthem and is still sung before matches till this day. Bob’s son Ziggy Marley once gave a live pre-match rendition of the famous song.

Bob Marley’s love for the beautiful game is quite known. He once stated that “Football is freedom, a whole universe”. The Jamaican’s love for football was also confirmed by his daughter, when she had this to say about Ajax’s new kit “I am beyond touched that Ajax has taken Three Little Birds and made it their anthem,” and “Stories like this warm my heart and show how impactful songs like Three Little Birds can be. Soccer was everything to my father… and to use his words: ‘football is freedom.'”
