Speaking on a blog by Simon Mercieca, Yorgen Fenech’s mother Mrs. Patricia Fenech defended her son’s name in saying that he is no Rambo character and that the alleged weapons were never seen nor ever entered Malta. She stated how she is using Mercieca’s platform to communicate as she knows he is ‘widely read and by a mixed type of readers, in that they have different political beliefs and ideas.’
She says that she felt the need to speak on the matters unfolding, despite not wishing to do so otherwise. Explaining how she has been part of the Tumas Group by marriage for the past 50 years, she has been deeply hurt by ‘insults and calumnies which have now gone on mercilessly and at times have been completely unjustified.’
She highlighted how ‘perhaps the word thing of the court sitting is that [they] were in court before the Judge while the office of the Attorney General published the bill of indictment in the media.’ Allegedly, none of the family or their lawyers knew what was going on. She stated that her son Yorgen is definitely not ‘a Rambo kind of character’.
As ‘no one has seen the ammunition/weapons and it has never entered the country’, she asked how many readers stop to think about this alleged fact before accepting the words of the prosecution.
Mrs. Fenech also cast doubt on who had access to her son’s communication equipment, implying that other parties other than the police had access to it.
Photo Source: simonmercieca.com, The Guardian