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Yazmin Zammit Stevens to represent Malta at Tokyo Olympic Games

Yazmin Zammit Stevens to represent Malta at Tokyo Olympic Games
Jun 25 2021 Share

Local weightlifting prodigy Yazmin Zammit Stevens’ is headed to Tokyo after being added to Team Malta’s list of Athletes for the XXXIII Games of the Olympiad in Tokyo.

The athlete immediately took to social media to share the heart-warming news, expressing her excitement and life-long commitment towards this milestone.

Zammit Stevens will be joining Team Malta after her participation in the IOC Tripartite Commission and will make history as Malta’s first female weightlifter competing in the Olympic Games. The Games are set to take place in the Japanese Capital between 23 July and 8 August 2021.


Yesterday, Malta was the hottest country in all of Europe

Yesterday, Malta was the hottest country in all of Europe
Jun 25 2021 Share

After registering a maximum temperature of 40.2 °C, Malta was reportedly the hottest country in all of Europe.

Reliable weather page Maltese Islands Weather highlighted temperatures across Europe as Malta is currently facing an intense heatwave coming in from the Sahara Desert expected to last for another week at the very minimum.

🇬🇧 Malta was the hottest place in Europe yesterday! Many are asking how long this heat will go on unabated. According to…

Posted by Maltese Islands Weather on Friday, 25 June 2021

Countries like Italy, Greece and many towards Eastern Europe registered temperatures towards the mid-30s with Western Europe registering cooler temperatures in the 20s.


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Malta on UK’s travel green list: good or bad?

Jun 25 2021 Share

To the delight of many, Malta was finally added to the UK’s quarantine-free green list yesterday after the country’s update of regulations on foreign travel. This news was welcomed by the tourism sector especially, with the UK contributing to Malta’s largest tourism market, welcoming over 650,000 British tourists in 2019 alone…

…but is Malta’s placement on the green list all good? Here are the facts.

In recent weeks, the UK has seen a rise in COVID-19 cases and the worst spike in infections since January due to the entry of the Delta COVID-19 variant which has been spreading rapidly amongst communities. Malta has only registered one COVID-19 case being of the Delta variant.

In the meantime, Malta has imposed a number of travel regulations stating that the country will only accept travellers if they present a vaccine certificate. This rule will come into effect on June 30, where travellers who do not present the Malta-issued certificate must undergo 14 days of quarantine. The much-anticipated EU vaccine passport is set for July 1.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel have advised all countries to impose quarantine on British travellers in order to contain the spread of the Delta variant, with French president Emmanuel Macron expressing his concern towards the spread of the variant as well.


WATCH: Massive fights break out in Paceville streets

A number of videos are circulating on social media which show large groups of individuals fighting in the streets of Paceville, presumably after the closure of establishments at 12am.
Jun 25 2021 Share

A number of videos are circulating on social media which show large groups of individuals fighting in the streets of Paceville, presumably after the closure of establishments at 12am.


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The video, shows a number of spontaneous brawls in Paceville’s main street, with many of the people engaged in the brawls not wearing masks.

This is not the first instance where issues of such nature have sparked mass concern, especially with regards to COVID-19 measures & restrictions.
