X-factor goes completely paperless and will plant a tree for every ‘YES’

X-factor goes completely paperless and will plant a tree for every 'YES'
Aug 20 2021 Share

X-Factor Malta Season 3 has gone completely paperless in a bid to help the environmental cause in Malta. Environment Minister Aaron Farrugia also announced that a tree will be planted for every ‘yes’ given to contestants during the audition phase. Visiting the X-Factor studios this morning, the Minister praised this initiative as it simultaneously reduces the cutting of trees but also continues to boost Malta’s greenery.

The Minister emphasised how this initiative also contributes to waste reduction, helping the government and Malta as a whole on international fronts in terms of environmentally aware measures. The initiative is a call to action for several entertainment and commercial entities to go paper-less and contribute mindfully and actively to environmental awareness and concerns. 


Photo Source: X-Factor Malta FB, Aaron Farrugia FB

KSU call for the resignation of Justice Minister and MPs from Muscat’s cabinet

KSU call for the resignation of Justice Minister and MPs from Muscat’s cabinet
Aug 20 2021 Share

In a statement concerning the Public Inquiry on the Assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia, the Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) stated that Members of Parliament who formed part of Joseph Muscat’s Cabinet should ‘shoulder political responsibility and resign.’ The statement highlights how the cabinet, which was led by Muscat, were allegedly well aware of the corruption and impunity developing within the highest level of government. ‘Despite this, the cabinet stood by Joseph Muscat and chose to remain silent, ignoring their duty to act for the benefit of the country.’ 

The statement points out how ‘the mere fact’ that state was found responsible shows ‘a complete breakdown the Rule of Law in Malta.’ They point to the connections and close relationships of those accused of the journalists’ assassination as evidence of the hazed and unclear lines between those governing the state and those who resort to criminality. 

KSU state how they are highly concerning with ‘the fraternisation between the Minister of Justice and Good Governance, Hon. Dr Edward Zammit Lewis and accused mastermind, Yorgen Fenech.’ They labelled the scenario in which the Minister whose purpose is to ensure rule of law associated and linked with an accused mastermind behind murder as unacceptable. 

Calling for the resignation of Zammit Lewis, KSU’s statement ends with the organisation hoping ‘that the state will seriously address and implement the recommendations put forward by the inquiry without delay. The country needs to learn and heal from the darkness brought about by Daphne Caruana Galizia’s murder.’ 


Photo Source: KSU FB, Edward Zammit Lewis FB, France 24

19-year-old Afghan footballer dies after holding onto plane to escape

Aug 20 2021 Share

A local Afghan newspaper announced that an Afghan youth national team player died after he fell off a plane going to the USA as he attempted to escape the Taliban takeover. Crowds of desperate Afghans have made news headlines as they convened in huge masses at Kabul airport trying to flee from Afghanistan, with some people also trying to hold on to planes going westwards.

Zaki Anwari was only 19-years old when he died. It was said that he was a promising footballer who even had the opportunity to make a career out of the sport and move abroad. His death was also confirmed by the General Directorate for Sport with a report stating that he died after attempting to hold on to the outside of an American military aircraft. It was reported that 5 other people sadly lost their lives as well on that day.


Superyacht Maltese Falcon spotted sailing in St. Paul’s Bay

Superyacht Maltese Falcon spotted sailing in St. Paul’s Bay
Aug 20 2021 Share

The world’s former largest sailing super yacht was spotted making its way around St.Paul’s Bay. Spanning 88 metres and donning 15 majestic white sails, the yacht was built by Italian Perini Navi yachts and launched in 2006. 

It took nearly six years to complete, using radical unstayed masts made up of ‘weapons-grade’ carbon fibre and utilising a computerised sail and mast control system. Hailed a s a ‘triumph of design’, the Maltese Falcon, which was created by Tom Perkins, was sold to hedge-fund manager Elena Ambrosiadou.

It is now available for charter with SuperYachtsMonaco from €460,000 a week. It includes a master suite and five further guest cabins, with a crew of 16 accommodated in eight cabins. 


Photo Source: Justin Vella, SuperYachtsMonaco