Maria Branyas Morera, a California-born Spanish woman who was verified to be the world’s oldest person after the death of French nun Lucile Randon, has revealed the secret to living a long life.
From her nursing home in Catalonia, Spain, the 115-year-old revealed that the secret to living longer is “staying away from toxic people.”
Born on March 4th 1907, Morera has lived through two world wars, a civil war and two global pandemics, so her piece of advice may be as credible as ever.
Nowadays, the Guinness World Record holding woman even uses Twitter, with some help from her daughter.
“I need peace and tranquility”, the record-holder stated in a recent Twitter statement posted in late January.
Disculpeu per no contestar individualment. Estic sorpresa i agraïda per l’expectació que ha generat el fet de ser la persona viva més vella del món. Moltíssimes gràcies a tothom per l’interès mostrat, encara que jo no he fet cap mèrit. Aquests dies han estat de molt atabalament👇
— Super Àvia Catalana (@MariaBranyas112) January 21, 2023
“I am surprised and pleased by the expectation that the feat of being the oldest living person in the world has generated. Many thanks to everyone for the most interest, face that I have no merit. These days have been very tight and we have decided, with the Residence Management, that there will be no more interviews.”