World famous Instagram creator leaves positive notes all over Malta

World famous Instagram creator leaves positive notes all over Malta
Dec 30 2022 Share

Andy Leek, who leaves notes to strangers all over the world wherever he goes, is currently in Malta and undertaking his mission on the island. 


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Leek’s site explains his mission, called ‘notestostrangers’, as ‘a project started after experiencing a mental health issue’ which he used to ‘try to help strangers that might be having a hard time.’

Leek has already left various notes all over Malta: ‘Allow the adversity to strengthen your resolve’ reads one. Another next to the Mediterranean Conference Centre reads:

‘It might just be an off day. Tomorrow might feel completely different’. Another cheekier one reads The ability to ignore is extremely useful’. 


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Leek has already made waves abroad, being interviewed by BBC News and London Live. Boasting 112K followers, Leek has created a movement through these little notes to encourage people to stay strong and giving them little motivational boosts in times of hardship.


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Move over 2023: local AI artist shows us Malta in 2060

Move over 2023: local AI artist shows us Malta in 2060
Dec 30 2022 Share

The new year 2023 might just be around the corner, but one local creator has travelled far into the future through their creations. 


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An Instagram artist by the handle of @malta_ai has given us a glimpse at how Malta could look like in the year 2060-something through AI-generated creations.

Taking iconic streets and sights across the islands, he uses the latest technological developments in artificial intelligence to create scenarios straight out of a sci-fi movie.

We’ve had ancient dinosaurs roam our streets but now we have the future zooming down our roads! 


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AI captured the attention of the entire world this year in particular as everyone and their Instagram-savvy relatives were created AI generated versions of themselves to get a quick glimpse into their fantastical selves. 


Christ the Redeemer lit up green and yellow to mourn Pele

Christ the Redeemer lit up green and yellow to mourn Pele
Dec 30 2022 Share

Following the passing of football legend Pele, three days of mourning were announced by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

To commemorate the footballer’s death, Brazil’s iconic Christ the Redeemer statue was illuminated with green and yellow lights in tribute.

Pele was considered by some to be one of, if not the, best players of all time. Passing away at the age of 82 on Thursday after battling cancer for several years, he had gone on to win three World Cups. 

He became the only player in history to do so, also racking a record of 1279 goals in 1363 appearances. 

Pele spent the majority of his club career in Brazil with Santos, helping them win six top-flight titles as well as two Copa Libertadores trophies. 

His legacy was further cemented as he was crowned Athlete of the Century by the International Olympic Committee in 1999 and joint player of the century in 2000 by FIFA along with Diego Maradona. 


Late music lover Ray Falzon given drum farewell during funeral

Late music lover Ray Falzon given drum farewell during funeral
Dec 30 2022 Share

Following the unfortunate passing of Ray Falzon, known by his loved ones as Tas-Slais, an unconventional and musical farewell was given by his relatives and friends. 

A video uploaded by his friend Joe Micallef shows an entourage of tribal drum players, accompanied by Tribali member Peter Paul, giving the music lover the proper send off. 


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‘Thanks goes to the very respected Peter Paul Tribali who made sure that Ray will get a FUNERAL TO BE REMEMBERED’ said Joe on social media, whilst sharing images of Ray himself playing the drum. 

Rest in peace Ray. 
