The General Worker’s Union has highlighted the importance of mental health aid for all employees on all jobs by proposing making it compulsory as of the next budget.
‘For many of us, work is a major part of our lives. It is where we spend much of our time, where we get our income and often where we make our friends’ the proposal read.
‘All of us have times when life gets on top of us – sometimes that’s work-related, sometimes it’s our health, our relationships, or private circumstances. It is important that employers take care of the well-being of all employees by addressing mental health at work for those who are facing difficult times or are at risk.’
The union is proposing that new legislation/regulation is enacted to make it compulsory to have a mental health first aider in every workplace.
‘Physical first aid is legally obliged in our workplaces; however, most do not cover mental health problems. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) teaches people the skills to help someone who they’re concerned about.’
‘Awareness of mental health is increasing, but we still face a world where people with mental health problems face discrimination and can face challenges getting the help they need. Many people who experience stressed try to keep their feelings hidden because they are afraid of other people’s responses’.
‘When we enjoy good mental health, we have a sense of purpose and direction, the energy to do the things we want to do, and the ability to deal with the challenges that happen in our lives.’
Read full proposal here.