After a woman by the name of Roxy Bonnici revealed that she was robbed, a post uploaded to Facebook revealed her discontent at the Malta Police Force for allegedly proving to be ineffective at helping her. A post was first uploaded by Jonathan Ebejer, stating that a woman stole Bonnici’s bag from Bahar ic-Caghaq, Tony’s and Sandro’s Kiosk. The items stolen included cards, a mobile phone, glasses and a valuable ring. The situation was allegedly worsened however by the way the police failed to help the woman.
Bonnici stated how when the incident happened, police officers were already almost on sight as someone else had called to warn about the suspicious person who turned out to be the actual thief. The police told Bonnici to wait on the beach until they came to take a report. Due to someone telling them the thief was on foot, around 3 police cars circled the area repeatedly looking for said person. The police allegedly ignored requests by Bonnici to use the ‘find my mobile’ function to track it down.

The police responded by telling her that it cannot be tracked due to data protection, and that an IMEi number was needed. Bonnici could not access her IMEi number as she was locked out of her house. Jonathan Ebejer managed to get some information but by this time, the woman had switched off the phone. It also seemed to indicate that the woman was now driving.
The woman was left alone with no help offered as to how enter her house or whether or not she needed a lift. Trying to contact the Naxxar police depot, she was met with a similar reaction, with police telling her that the investigation could not continue as the police were off their shift. She ended her post by stating she was embarrassed by the force who supposedly protects the public.
Photo Source: Roxy Bonnici FB, Jonathan Ebejer FB