It seems as though, unfortunately, we’ll have to endure yet another weekend of strong winds and rain as they persist following an intense week of similar weather patterns. Malta is currently under the influence of an atmospheric depression to the northeast, just off the Sicilian coast. The west-northwest wind is set to reach a Force 6 and/or 7 on Friday, with rough seas eventually calming down but picking up again overnight.
According to the Met Office at the Malta International Airport, the wind will veer to northwest on Saturday to become a Force 5 to 6. This is expected to become moderate at around Force 3 and 4 by Sunday. With a mass of low pressure having moved towards the Ionian Sea and becoming a hurricane, or more popularly, a medicane, Malta has managed to escape the windy and rainy battering which dominated Sicily’s east coast.

Photo Source: Flora the Explorer, Malta International Airport