Why Landing Your Dream Job Might Not Bring You Happiness | by Għajjejt u Xbajt

Jun 27 2021 Share

Months ago I quit my dream job. I experienced what a nervous breakdown can really mean, how it hotly permeates the brain, muscles and organs, like overloaded fuses bursting leaving nothing but a mass of skin, charred and empty. It was work that was fulfilling – and applauded by all those around me (I loved the small talk of “what do you do?”). The flip side was that it required all my waking energy.

I ignored the red flags my body showed for an entire year, because the outside picture looked like I was thriving… until one fine Sunday, I came to a breaking point and was left with no choice but to hand in my resignation. I felt impotent, a failure, this is the point where all the Jordan Petersonesque internet trolls would slap a “snowflake” sticker on my forehead.

During days of slow recovery and therapy, I understood the importance of being bold to get what you want, even when what you want is fulfilment through peace of mind. Almost prophetically, I came across Audre Lorde’s collection of essays called When I Dare To Be Powerful.

Lorde speaks about harnessing the power of the erotic, patriarchally confined to the bedroom, to enrich our lives in every aspect. As the revolutionary poet explains, the word erotic comes from the Greek word eros, the personification of love in all its aspects – born of chaos, and personifying creative power and harmony.

 “When I speak of the erotic then, I speak of it as an assertion of the life-force of women; of that creative energy empowered, the knowledge and use of which we are now reclaiming in our language, our history, our dancing, our loving, our work, our lives.”

Your dream life can be more than how you win your bread or how much bread you win. It can be having time to get lost in good books, picking up a new craft, traveling to unknown places, being a parent, being an artist, giving yourself the capacity to enjoy the smallest moments of daily joy.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t go after your dream job. I’m saying that your dream life isn’t necessarily chained to that. Don’t live a life that sounds good at parties, because happiness, as cliche as it sounds, takes internal work. Dare to be powerful and find something that makes your mundane ethereal.


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7 ways to manage anger | by Ed’s Common Sense

Jun 27 2021 Share

1. Change your negative thoughts.

2. Become aware of your body changes as you become angry.

3. Move away and give yourself a time-out.

4. Develop assertiveness rather than aggressive skills.

5. Learn to relax and count till 10, if not 100.

6. Think of the negative consequences if you act out.

7. Use realistic rather than catastrophic thoughts.


0 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 2 recoveries

Jun 27 2021 Share

Malta has registered 0 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 2,227 swab tests, while 2 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Saturday 26th June 2021, 653,005 vaccine doses were administered of which 356,128 were 1st doses. 309,871 people are currently fully vaccinated.

To date, Malta has registered 30,606 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 30,158 have recovered, 420 died and 28 are still active.


Vlogger Nas Daily celebrates 40 million followers on social media

Vlogger Nas Daily celebrates 40 million followers on social media
Jun 27 2021 Share

Popular video blogger Nas Daily has hit a major milestone in his career by finally reaching a whopping total 40 million followers on his social media pages.

The Arab Israeli video blogger also highlighted that his company is now 100-people strong, going on to thank the people for giving value to the brand by telling their stories and believing in their values.

Nas Daily had visited in Malta back in 2018, eventually meeting President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca as well as the Malta Tourism Authority to make his iconic phrase ‘Oh My Malta’ as the country’s official slogan.
