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Why do we celebrate Workers Day & where did it come from?

Why do we celebrate Workers Day & where did it come from?
Apr 27 2023 Share

May 1st marks an important day for workers around the world. Known as International Workers’ Day, May Day has its roots in a historic movement for workers’ rights that began in the late 19th century.

Back in the day, workers were often subjected to harsh working conditions, long hours, and low pay. In the United States, workers formed labor unions and went on strikes to demand better treatment. One of the most significant labor strikes in the US took place in 1886 when thousands of workers in Chicago went on strike for an eight-hour workday.

The movement for workers’ rights gained momentum across the world, and in 1889, an international organisation called the Second International was formed. The organisation declared May 1st as International Workers’ Day to commemorate the struggle for an eight-hour workday and workers’ rights.

Delegates of the international at the 1907 Stuttgart congress

Since then, workers around the world have celebrated May Day with rallies, parades, and demonstrations. The day is a reminder of the hard-fought battles that workers have faced to secure better conditions for themselves and their families.

In Malta, locals also join in on the celebrations, with a plethora of parties, political rallies and mass gatherings taking place across the island.

So, as you enjoy your day off on May Day, remember the sacrifices that have been made to secure workers’ rights. Happy International Workers’ Day!


Keep your dogs safe this summer as the heat starts to scorch

Keep your dogs safe this summer as the heat starts to scorch
Apr 27 2023 Share

As the heat starts to get more intense, with summer just around the corner, here are a few tips for you to keep in mind if you own a dog (or any other pet for that matter).


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Given that dogs love to go for walks, it’s important to keep in mind that the summer heat brings some unfortunate threats for the well-being of man’s best friend.

So here are a few suggestions that would mean the world for your dog!


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1,698 total magisterial inquiries pending, Justice Minister reveals

1,698 total magisterial inquiries pending, Justice Minister reveals
Apr 27 2023 Share

Justice Minister Jonathan Attard revealed in parliament that the number of pending magisterial inquiries stands at 1,698.

Answering questions made by Nationalist MP Jerome Caruana Cilia, the minister revealed that one of the inquiries goes back to 1979. 

Information tabled in parliament showed that there is one inquiry also pending from each of the years 1992, 1991, 1990, 1977 and 1989. 

There are also four pending date from 2005, one from 2006, six inquiries from 2009,15 from 2011, 44 from 2016, 88 from 2017, 128 from 2018 and 157 from 2019. 

Meanwhile, 172 launched in 2020 are underway, another 275 for 2021, 574 for 2022 and 186 for this year. 

This of course comes as protests surround the case of Jean Paul Sofia, for whom a magisterial inquiry was launched despite calls for a public inquiry. 


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Malta’s very own Santa Claus turns 80 years old

Malta's very own Santa Claus turns 80 years old
Apr 27 2023 Share

Albert McCarthy, who is known locally for dressing up as the beloved Christmas mascot Santa Claus, has just hit 80 years old – and he’s still going strong and bringing smiles to kids all over the island. 

Taking to social media, McCarthy celebrated his special day saying that he feels ‘so blessed by all the gifts’ God bestowed on him and his loved ones. 

McCarthy is married to Lina and is the father to three sons, and has become a staple figure every time Christmas time rolls around on the island. 

His uncanny resemblance to the character has worked well for him to pull off the dress up as the cookie-and-milk loving jolly Father Christmas.

Happy birthday Albert!
