Speaking to MaltaDaily, Arnold Sciberras, a.k.a ‘The Exterminator’, reveals why one shouldn’t really celebrate the decrease in pests such as mosquitoes and cockroaches in Malta. He attributes this loss of such organisms to the scorching heat which has been hitting our islands. Despite these species, which many people consider pests, being very resilient creatures, they could not stand the intense heat which enveloped Malta over the summer.
He emphasised why this is such a problem and for us humans, who are often repulsed by such insects, to look at the consequences from an ecological point of view. If such survival expert animals are suffering from the heat waves, then other creatures which might be less resilient are suffering even more. Old trees, agriculture as a whole and even humans are suffering due to this. And importation might not be such a viable option as can be seen, Arnold highlights, by the advent of the current pandemic. Malta is very dependent on the well-being of the world’s ecosystem as a whole and the decrease of such animals must be seen as a wake up call.