
What’s wrong with the 36-year-old Finnish Prime Minister enjoying her free time?

Aug 19 2022 Share

Social media has gone into a frenzy after a recent video of 36-year-old Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin partying with her friends began to make the rounds… but we ask, what did she do wrong?

Oftentimes do we judge politicians for freudian slips and failed projects and that is the basis of democracy, but a 36-year-old woman should not land in hot water for enjoying her free time only because she is a politician. The world’s youngest PM, a strong-minded egalitarian and bridge-builder in global politics, has been faced with support on one hand and calls to resign on the other.


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A post shared by Sanna Marin (@sannamarin)

Marin herself has since admitted that, while she was upset that the video had been leaked, she only danced, sang and partied; perfectly legal things, and has never been in a situation where she has seen or known of others using drugs.

The PM went on to say that she has a family life, work life and free time to spend with her friends, “pretty much the same as many people [her age]” and many will argue that such a belief is justified.

What do YOU think?


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Ryanair Tiktok girl bids farewell to airline in emotional montage video

Aug 19 2022 Share

While TikTok is mostly known for its raw & unfiltered user-generated content, a few big name brands managed to make a name for themselves by creating hilarious content.

@mycollegelife Bye Bestie Ryanair 💙 This year has been a fever dream 👁👄👁 #ryanair #slay ♬ Nick and Charlie – &lt3

One of the first names that comes to mind would definitely be Irish airline Ryanair, with the company entertaining millions for its funny & relatable TikToks. Sadly, such content may be decreasing or disappearing completely after one of the airline’s creative team members bids farewell to the airline’s TikTok account.

Presumed to be named Lily from a sticky note in her video, the creator looks back at one year of working with RyanAir, creating content, wandering about the headquarters and posting side-splitting TikTok videos.

Thousands of people congratulated Lily for her legendary work, with the Ryanair account commenting a teary face with fellow TikTok icon Duolingo also commenting ‘WE LOVE YOU LILY. fly high queen’.

Have you ever seen a Ryanair Tiktok?


Sea turtle rescued and being treated after swallowing fishing line

Aug 19 2022 Share

An injured loggerhead sea turtle has been rescued off the coast of Wied iż-Żurrieq after swallowing a fishing line.

Officials within the Environment & Resources Authority (ERA) were patrolling the coast when the alarm was raised by nearby swimmers. Despite choppy waters, the officers were able to conduct a successful mission, retrieving the female turtle and putting her in veterinary care.

The ERA advised the public to not attempt to remove any entanglement or cut fishing lines as they may further injure the sea creatures. When encountering such a case, they are advised to contact ERA on 2292 3500 or Wildlife Rescue Team Malta on 9999 9505.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli. praised the swimmers, ERA and Nature Trust for their intervention, calling for further responsibility to keep our oceans clean.

Well done to ERA, Nature Trust & the nearby swimmers!


WATCH: ‘It’s not just Hamrun’; More street brawl footage emerges as citizens report further cases

WATCH: 'It's not just Hamrun'; More street brawl footage emerges as citizens report further cases
Aug 19 2022 Share

As Malta continues to endure its street brawl crisis, more and more citizens are publishing their own captures of altercations in Maltese streets, with many expressing concern at the current situation.


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The latest video to surface is a clip of five been beating an individual with rods of what is suspected to be wood in a Birzebbuga street, with a user highlighting that ‘what happened in Hamrun also happens in other villages’.

The men, who appear to be foreign, attack the other individual and take their brawl to the middle of the street, impeding cars from driving further.

A number of social media users expressed frustration at the fact that the men involved in this altercation, and a number of others, were foreigners, with some going as far as comparing Malta to Syria and others stating that they are scared to come out of their homes in fear of getting hurt.

What do you make of this situation?


Video Source: Lawrence Desira