
What’s Going Down On 18th Of May At Public Service Expo

What's Going Down On 18th Of May At Public Service Expo
May 9 2024 Share

On Saturday, May 18th, a series of informative and engaging activities are scheduled to take place, catering to various interests and concerns. Kicking off at 10:30 am, Charlene Aquilina, a Clinical Psychologist and Family Therapist, will deliver a 30-minute talk titled “L-Importanza tar-Regoli f’Dixxiplina Pozittiva” under the auspices of Positive Parenting.

This session aims to delve into the significance of positive discipline strategies in parenting.

Following this, from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm, an interactive Q&A session on Pensions and Social Benefits will take place, moderated by Keith Demicoli.

Representatives from the Department of Social Security (DSS) and the Income Support and Compliance Division (ISCD) will provide insights and address queries on these vital topics.

Continuing the day’s program, at 1:30 pm, Melanie Bonavia, a Counselor, will conduct a 30-minute talk titled “Nifmhu lil Uiedna fil-Bidliet,” also organized by Positive Parenting. This session intends to offer guidance on effectively communicating with children amidst societal changes.

Concluding the day’s events, from 2 pm to 4 pm, the Sedqa Prevention Team will host a Quiz activity, with special guest Gianluca Bezzina joining from 2 pm onwards. This engaging session aims to promote awareness and education on prevention strategies.

Overall, Saturday promises to be an enriching day, offering valuable insights and opportunities for learning and interaction.

Find registration here.


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“Li Kieku Ninstab Ħati… Joħorġuni Minn Tebut Mill-Ħabs”, Muscat Says

May 9 2024 Share

In a recent broadcast on F Living, former Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who is facing charges of bribery and criminal association relating to a hospital deal, affirmed his innocence.

Amidst the legal proceedings that could potentially lead to an 18-year prison sentence, Muscat expressed a dramatic stance on the consequences if proven guilty. He stated, “Today I am nothing, but if I were found guilty of one of these claims, I can go to prison for 18 years. I say, if it were like this, if it were discovered that I actually took 18 million or one of these things they are saying, I deserve life in prison, not 18 years. Okay? And I don’t have a problem with the consequences becoming worse in my regard if need be because if it is found that I actually took the money, something which is not true at all… I am so convinced that I will stay in prison until I die and am taken out in a coffin from prison. But then, as I am convinced that nothing will be discovered, what will happen?”


Family Support Lands in Malmö As Sarah Bonnici Aims for Final

Family Support Lands in Malmö As Sarah Bonnici Aims for Final
May 9 2024 Share

Sarah Bonnici’s Eurovision journey in Malmö, Sweden, gains a personal touch as her boyfriend Miguel, alongside her parents, have linked up to support her during the crucial Semi-Final 2 performance tonight. Bonnici is set to captivate a large audience with her song “Loop,” as she aims to secure Malta a place in Saturday’s Eurovision final.

In a recent Instagram post, Miguel shared his enthusiasm with the caption, “Let’s do this,” and used the hashtag #ForzaMaltaForzaGhawdex. This not only underscores his support but also highlights the representation of Gozo, Sarah’s hometown, on the international stage.

Sarah will compete against notable artists such as Marina Satti from Greece, Switzerland’s Nemo, and Joost Klein from the Netherlands, among others. Her performance tonight is not just about showcasing her vocal talent but also about carrying the hopes of her nation and region to advance to the final round of the competition.

This familial support in Malmö reflects the close-knit backing Sarah has, bolstering her confidence as she steps onto one of the world’s most celebrated musical platforms. As the competition intensifies, all eyes will be on Bonnici to see if she can shine through and bring Malta to the spotlight once more in the Eurovision final.


Roberta Metsola Celebrates Europe Day with Visit to Ukraine

Roberta Metsola Celebrates Europe Day with Visit to Ukraine
May 9 2024 Share

On Europe Day, commemorating peace and unity across the continent, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola visited Kyiv, emphasizing the EU’s commitment to these values. Metsola’s arrival, captured in a social media video, saw a warm reception as she was greeted with flowers by Ruslan Stefanchuk, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

The visit coincided with May 9, a date significant for marking the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration in 1950, which laid the foundation for modern Europe. Metsola’s presence in Kyiv on this day underscored the European Union’s support for Ukraine amid ongoing conflicts.

A significant moment during her visit was a news conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which was abruptly disrupted by air raid sirens, a stark reminder of the current tensions in the region. Zelensky remarked, “This is what Nazis do in Europe,” referencing the hostilities faced by Ukraine.

Following the sirens, Metsola and her team, including reporters, were quickly moved to an air raid shelter, highlighting the severe realities of the conflict zone.

Metsola’s trip to Kyiv not only symbolised unity but also brought international attention to the challenges Ukraine continues to face.
