A clinical trial at Fred Hutch cancer research centre in Seattle have just attempted to test an antiviral treatment which could stop the COVID-19 virus in its early course through the body. Virologist at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Timothy Sheahan stated that ‘oral anti-virals have the potential to not only curtal the duration of one’s COVID-19 syndrome, but also have the potential to limit transmission to people in your household if you are sick.’
Antivirals are already essential treatments for other viral infections, including hepatitis C and HIV. They can be engineered to boost the immune system to fight infection, block receptors so viruses can’t enter healthy cells, or lower the amount of active virus in the body. There are currently at least three promising antivirals for covid being tested in clinical trials, with results expected as soon as late fall or winter. One is being produced by Pfizer, but the top contender is a medication called molnupiravir, which works to interfere the virus’ ability to replicate.
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