
WATCH: Wholesome moment as rescued baby turtle ‘Shelly’ returned to Maltese waters

Jul 27 2022 Share

After being saved from certain death by a 10-year-old girl in Qawra around two months ago, a baby turtle by the name of ‘Shelly’ has been returned to Maltese waters.


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Spending two months in recovery by antibiotics with Nature Trust after being caught in a plastic sack amid in a bed of rocks in Qawra, Shelly was finally returned to her rightful home. The turtle suffered from injuries and a chest infection as a result of the incident on 1st june.

Passers-by and people in the area rejoiced as the Loggerhead turtle dashed from the sandy bay into the water, where she soon enough disappeared.

Anyone finding injured or distressed turtles is urged to report them to Nature Trust on 9999 9505 and bring the turtle to bay until help arrives. You can also help turtles under rehab or wildlife rescues by adopting them; contact [email protected] for more info.


Pope Francis asks for forgiveness over abuse at Canadian church schools

Jul 26 2022 Share

Pope Francis has apologised for the “disastrous error” on the part of Canada’s church schools with regards to the mistreatment and abuse of indigenous children in the province. The pontiff asked survivors of the system that abused tens of thousands of children for forgiveness.

In a visit to the community of Maskwacis, Alberta, the Pope had this to say “I am sorry. I ask for forgiveness, in particular, for the ways in which many members of the church and of religious communities cooperated, not least through their indifference, in projects of cultural destruction and forced assimilation promoted by the governments of that time, which culminated in the system of residential schools.”

Francis also criticised the colonising mentality that these church schools and institutions had over the indigenous children, something that had “catastrophic” effects on generations of these people. He went on to say  “I humbly beg forgiveness for the evil committed by so many Christians against the Indigenous peoples,”

Phil Fontaine, a residential school survivor and former Assembly of First Nations national chief stated that “It’s a special moment for survivors.” After the Pope spoke, a special moment occurred as Chief Wilton Littlechild placed a feather headdress on the pontiff as the crowd cheered.


WATCH: Sam Ryder documents Malta trip in chaotic TikTok video

WATCH: Sam Ryder documents Malta trip in chaotic TikTok video
Jul 26 2022 Share

After a two-year pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Malta has had a considerably jam-packed summer in terms of events and one of the definite highlights was Sam Ryder’s visit to Malta.


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The popular British singer spent a few days on the island in July and documented his busy trip in a short but chaotic TikTok which has had Maltese travellers and Sam Ryder fans alike entertained at the amount of activities he managed to fit in.

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The concert itself saw Ryder put on a spectacular show accompanied by local talent such as Red Electric, Destiny, Kurt Calleja and Ryan Hili.

From deep sea dives to newfound friends and a massive show at Manoel Island, take a look at the video and you’ll see what Ryder was up to in Malta!


Czech police transform stolen Ferrari into patrol car

Jul 26 2022 Share

The Czech police have recently announced that they turned a previously stolen 2011 Ferrari 458 Italia into a patrol car which will be used in extreme cases.

The car was previously painted racing red but has now been converted into a standard police car grey livery with neon yellow and blue reflective stripes.

In a recent statement, the police confirmed that the car will be used to chase down other stolen cars and take down dangerous illegal road races. The operation was also very cheap considering the usual prices for similar models; costing the Czech police only around €12,000 to fully modify the car into a police car.

The vehicle will be used by a special surveillance department and driven only by trained police officers. Normally they sell cars they seized in order to finance damage done by offenders however this time they decided to not only keep the Ferrari but also use it.

Places such as Italy and Dubai also utiliSe supercars as police cars. The Italian police force actually have an agreement with Lamborghini which sees them use their cars to transport urgent blood supplies to accident sites.
