
Watch: Referee takes out gun after controversial decision

Aug 25 2021 Share

A would-be ordinary match in Honduras ended in a weird fashion, as the referee of the game took out a gun to protect himself from fans. Many fans were angry at the referee for not giving a penalty, calling him many names and questioning his integrity and professionalism.


In a video filmed by a fan, the referee could be seen shooting to the ground to prove that the gun was in fact loaded. The video went viral on social media with many fans divided on the matter. Most fans have berated the referee for bringing a deadly weapon to an event where children may be present, whilst few people were seen defending the referee’s reactions.


School reopening plans to be presented in coming days

School reopening plans to be presented in coming days
Aug 25 2021 Share

Education Minister Justyne Caruana told newsroom the Malta Independent that Malta’s plan for reopening of schools is set to be finalised and presented in the coming days. An activity is in the works which will give the full programme and details for said reopening, as many are asking how educational institutions will be handling this upcoming scholastic year. The Minister stated that the plan needs to be evaluated by the health superintendence and only then will it be made public so everyone is fully aware and to start preparations. 

Schools were first shut in March 2020 when the first cases of COVID-19 were detecting. Primary and secondary schools physically reopened throughout the scholastic years, with post-secondary opting to keep the online lecture system going. Health minister Chris Fearne said that the exit strategy was being based on getting every student back into classrooms. In terms of vaccination, Caruana stated this is not mandatory, unlike other countries. 


Photo Source: The Conversation, Justyne Caruana FB

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42 COVID-19 cases registered with 36 recoveries

42 COVID-19 cases registered with 59 recoveries
Aug 25 2021 Share

Malta has registered 42 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,247 swab tests, while 36 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Tuesday 24th August 2021, 793,015 vaccine doses were administered of which 411,748 were 1st doses. 410,532 people are currently fully vaccinated. 

To date, Malta has registered 35,908 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 34,388 have recovered, 437 died and 687 are still active.

Mater Dei Hospital is currently treating a total of 36 COVID-19 positive patients, 3 of whom are in the ITU.


More police have retired than been recruited in 10 years

More police have retired than been recruited in 10 years
Aug 25 2021 Share

More police officers have retired from the force than joined over the past decade, with the tattoo policy, low starting salary and lack of incentives being the highest factors impacting this phenomenon. Between 2010 and June of 2021, around 1,205 officers retired from duty, according to data provided to Times of Malta. On the other hand, 998 recruits were appointed between 2010 and 2020, with 65 more added in 2021. 

A spokesperson told Times of Malta that another 41 candidates are undergoing induction training within the Academy for Disciplined Forces. The MPF also removed height restrictions as of November 2020, along with increasing the age limit to 39 from 30. The tattoo issue seems to be the biggest hinderance for new recruits as, despite not being outright banned, they must be fully covered up by the uniform. The lack of recruits, according to General secretary of the Malta Police Association Marlon Hili, is not exclusive to Malta, as other countries are experiencing a similar phenomenon. 


Photo Source: Malta Police Force FB