
WATCH: Kim Kardashian spotted with wedding dress at Kanye West’s Donda event

WATCH: Kim Kardashian spotted with wedding dress at Kanye West's Donda event
Aug 27 2021 Share

In the latest gasp-inducing twist in the controversial build-up towards Kanye West’s upcoming album ‘Donda’, Kim Kardashian was spotted at Chicago’s Soldier Field stadium in a wedding dress. During the finale of West’s listening party, the rapper’s soon-to-be-ex-wife appeared on stage in front of more than 40,000 fans with the controversial outfit, causing a tidal wave of speculation during a performance of ‘No Child Left Behind’.

The TV star and social media sensation reportedly showed up in the Balenciaga wedding dress in support of her and West’s four children and tops the list of the listening parties’ celebrity appearances which include Marilyn Manson and DaBaby. Manson and DaBaby both received media backlash after the former’s sexual assault & abuse allegations and the latter’s homophobic comments during a recent concert.

The mind-blowing event took over social media with one tweet questioning whether or not the elaborate event ended with Kanye getting back together with Kim with another one stating ‘Kim and Kanye are the weirdest divorcing couple I’ve ever seen’.


‘Another version of ONE TV’; Nationalist Party calls out ‘Labour Party’s rule on PBS’

'Another version of ONE TV'; Nationalist Party calls out 'Labour Party's rule on PBS'
Aug 27 2021 Share

The National Party has called out the Labour Party for its alleged ‘rule on PBS’ after the Public Broadcasting Services’ recruitment of three new journalists and two camera persons without a transparent selection process.

The PN has stated that it is ‘more evident than ever’ that the Public Broadcasting Authority has become an extension of the Labour Party and another version of ONE TV after employing five individuals, some of which without any journalistic experience. While shining a light on the fact that others have their own experience, the Nationalist Party expressed its concern with the fact that ‘many other individuals have the same or better skills and experience including over 100 graduates from the University of Malta and MCAST.

L-imħallfin din il-ġimgħa sabu lill-PBS ħati ta’ nuqqas ta’ imparzjalità li saħħet l-impunità li wasslet għal qtil…

Posted by Bernard Grech on Sunday, 1 August 2021

On August 1, PN leader Bernard Grech took to Facebook to share an excerpt of his argument on L-Erbgħa Fost il-Ġimgħa highlighting that PBS was found guilty of lack of impartiality and the strengthening of Malta’s impunity which led to the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia.

Claiming an abuse of power and an insult to the public’s intelligence, the PN stated that the Labour Party is securing its grasp on the PBS newsroom and that the only common goal is to follow the Labour Party’s agenda.

What do you make of this? Let us know in the comments!


New Zealand to stop calling team ‘ALL WHITES’ because of racism concerns

Aug 27 2021 Share

The New Zealand FA are reportedly thinking of changing their iconic nickname ‘All Whites’.  This has caused mass outrage from New Zealanders and sports fans on social media.

The main argument for fans opposing to this change is that the nickname  isn’t enticing any racist remarks and that the country’s national Rugby team’s nickname will still remain ‘All Blacks’. Record goal scorer Vaughan Coveny was also baffled when he heard the news. He like many other fans asked the country to also change the rugby team’s nickname if the Football team’s nickname will change. In an interview he told The Age “Will they also then change the All Blacks? What’s the need to change it? It’s been like that for many years. It’s about the history, the sport and how far it goes back.” He also stated that ‘The All Whites have always been the New Zealand soccer team, ever since I was a kid. From the day you’re born you’re brought up with it, you go through your years playing soccer and looking up to that.”



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The ‘All Whites’ nicknames was first used by a commentator in a World Cup qualifying match vs Taiwan in 1981. The commentator used the nickname as the team were wearing all white kits and it was also a spin on the rugby team’s ‘All Blacks’. As of now the federation have said nothing over the nickname matter, but are looking to make football more inclusive.


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English traveller coming to Malta fined €500 for falsifying vaccine certificate

Aug 27 2021 Share

An English passenger travelling from Gatwick to Malta has been fine €500 after presenting a fake COVID-19 vaccine certificate belonging to his mother. The traveller attempted to pass through airport security as if the certificate was his.

It was when the English-born traveller disembarked the aircraft that he was spotted by airport officials suspecting that something was wrong with his certificate. He was later arrested by the police and admitted that he falsified the documents, going on to reveal that he had only received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

He was then taken to court and fined €500, with legal aid Daniel Attard appearing for the accused.


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