
WATCH: Giant 3D cat pops out of Tokyo’s biggest billboards

Giant 3D cat pops out of Tokyo’s biggest billboards
Jul 7 2021 Share

Appearing on a billboard in Tokyo, a giant 3D cat looms playfully over one of the city’s busiest stations. Coming to life on a 1,664-square-foot LED screen in Shinjuku district, the cat appears between advertisements meowing audibly. The video has the feline do different things throughout the day, startled awake in the morning first. It then goes on to stand and meow at passersby in the afternoon and curling down to sleep in the evening. 


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The display doesn’t officially launch until the 12th of July. Test broadcasts however have been occurring since last month, with the ‘Shinjuku Cat’ captivating attention online. Many expressed amazement at the cutting-edge technology, with those unable to visit in person being able to see a livestream of the billboard via YouTube. 



Focus to move onto hospitalisations instead of daily cases

Focus to move onto hospitalisations instead of daily cases
Jul 7 2021 Share

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne stated that the focus will shift away from the amount of new daily cases registered and onto the country’s hospitalisation rate instead. Health restrictions will be continuously, but cautiously, lifted. Since the vaccine rollout has had a clear and positive effect on the rate of infections and immunity, Fearne revealed that Malta will closely follow developments in the UK, wherein the government lifted almost all virus restrictions.

The UK’s vaccination rate was noted to be almost as high as Malta’s, with 86% of UK adults having received at lest one dose with 64% being fully vaccinated. Malta has 83% of adults vaccinated with one dose but a higher number of people fully vaccinated than the UK at 78%. As of writing this article, Malta has 110 active cases. 


Photo Source: The Guardian, Sahha FB

25 COVID-19 cases registered with 5 recoveries

Jul 7 2021 Share

Malta has registered 25 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 2,495 swab tests, while 5 patients have recovered. No deaths were registered in the past 24 hours. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

As of Tuesday 6th July 2021, 692,581 vaccine doses were administered of which 365,611 were 1st doses. 341,765 people are currently fully vaccinated. 

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To date, Malta has registered 30,700 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 30,170 have recovered, 420 died and 110 are still active.


All three hospitalised COVID patients are unvaccinated

All three hospitalised COVID patients are unvaccinated
Jul 7 2021 Share

Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne revealed that a 19-year-old unvaccinated language student has been hospitalised due to a COVID-19 infection. This reinforces the need for all people to get their vaccine. The student is currently being treated in a specialised COVID ward at Mater Dei hospital, but is not in intensive care. All three patients in hospital for COVID-19 related treatment are foreign and unvaccinated. 

Fearne revealed earlier this week that 90% of COVID-19 cases are unvaccinated individuals. He also highlighted how the jab broke the link between new cases and hospitalisation. Around 77% of adults are fully vaccinated, with 82.5% of adults having received at least one dose. 40% of newly detected cases have also been classified as imported. 


Photo Source: Chris Fearne FB, Wikipedia

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