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WATCH: Act of Kindness: FREE FUEL vouchers

FREE FUEL VOUCHERS: Spreading kindness through random acts
Jul 21 2021 Share

We’re not sure if it’s the hot summer weather, the pandemic-induced stress or the looming feeling of uncertainty, but the past few weeks have been seemingly stressful for the Maltese islands.

With street brawls popping up at every corner of the island, endless online arguments about every topic you could imagine and so much more, we took it upon ourselves to head to the streets of Malta and try to brighten up the country through random acts of kindness.

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For our first act of kindness, Andrew heads to Bilom Service Station to give out fuel vouchers provided by Enemed to passers-by in an attempt to liven up their day and encourage them to spread the kindness. Enemed Company Ltd. is responsible for the importation, distribution and wholesale of petroleum products, making them the ideal people to collaborate with to bring free fuel to the people of Malta. As you can see in the video, the recipients of the vouchers were pleasantly surprised to have saved some money on their fuel and will hopefully reciprocate the gesture with another act of kindness.

Throughout the remainder of the week, we will be working with various local brands to conduct random acts of kindness across the island in order to help others get through their day with a smile on their face. The message is clear. If we work together and attempt to spread kindness to those around us at least once a day, we will create a happier and healthier community and ultimately achieve the sense of togetherness we so desperately need right now.


Wine and chicken wing shoplifting woman granted bail

Wine and chicken wing shoplifting woman granted bail
Jul 21 2021 Share

A 54-year-old French woman who resided in Naxxar for 15 years has been granted bail after admitting to charges of shoplifting wine and chicken wings from a supermarket. Appearing before magistrate Nadine Lia, it was explained by Inspector Roxanne Tabone how the woman left a Maypole outlet in Naxxar without paying for wine bottles on five separate occasions. On the 19th of July, a packet of chicken wings was added to her shoplift list. 

Supermarket owners contacted police and informed them of the woman putting items in her bad and leaving without paying. The woman plead guilty to five theft counts, repeating her plea after warnings by the court of the consequences of admission. Her lawyer informed court that the client is prepared to pay €500 for the stolen items, even returning a bottle of wine and the chicken wings. 


Photo Source: SeriousEats, PNGHuter

Taking the digitisation plunge

Taking the digitisation plunge
Jul 21 2021 Share

The DESI (Digital Economy & Society Index) highlights that 41% of enterprises in Malta have high to very high levels of digitisation which is well above the 26% EU average.


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The future envisages is digital, and our team is well placed to assist local businesses get all the help and assistance they need on their digital journey.

Think about the end game!


Today’s technological tools can help businesses become more efficient & adaptable, making the shift to digital a natural step for businesses. The good news is that once new processes are in place, the advantages frequently outweigh the short-term problems of the transitional phase.

When you’re ready to scale up your technology usage, you can look into several areas:


There are several productivity solutions available to help you enhance your business’s efficiency, allowing you to get more done and, perhaps, raise your income.

· Digital dictation can help you expedite your work procedures, especially if your company requires a lot of time-consuming transcription work.

· Create a digital filing system to make it easier to sort, save, share, and find documents.

· Develop an efficient email management process that makes it easier to stay on top of the flow of messages.


· Use an online invoicing service to reduce the costs of collecting payment from customers.

· Use online budget tracking to keep on top of and reduce your expenses.

· File your taxes more efficiently online.

· Create a new income stream by selling your products online.


Digital Marketing can help you advertise your company more effectively by simplifying operations and improving cooperation across various marketing channels.

· Use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. to promote your business, products, and services.

· Collect email addresses through an opt-in form and start utilising the power of email marketing.

· Promote your business with a website and/or online advertising.

Collaboration & Learning

Today’s technology makes it easier to organise teams and train them to be more productive.

· Conduct teleconference calls to make sure team members in different locations are on the same page.

· Expand your knowledge and empower your team with online business training.

· Share files and data on the cloud.

· Communicate quickly and clearly with your team through team messaging.

Customer Service

· Improving your relationship with customers

· Use social media to conduct customer service.

· Allow clients to schedule appointments online at their convenience.

· Use online surveys and questionnaires to get customer feedback.


This Vs That: Traditional Business vs Digital Business.

For this episode of This vs. That, we highlight the importance of taking your business online with 💻Take a look and see why you need to take your business into the future. 👀🚀Visit for more information. 🧑🏼‍💻 #MaltaDaily #MaltaDailyThisVSThat

Posted by Malta Daily on Monday, 5 July 2021 has a huge responsibility in pushing the reset button and looking at how to create an economy which is based on digital resilience and digital innovation.

What is’s role in this regard?

· Pointing you in the right direction.

· Assisting you in applying and attaining the right funding.

· Helping you shift from offline methods to online.


Shopping mall plans by Pama downscaled

Shopping mall plans by Pama downscaled
Jul 21 2021 Share

The proposed plans to extend the PAMA shopping complex in Mosta for a new mall has been downscaled. It was reported that the new access to the shopping complex will be added due to the present entrance from Pantar road posing a safety risk. PAMA is proposing an entrance further up the road for better visibility for vehicles, as Transport Malta ordered the relocation. The entrance will go through the ODZ site where the new, two-story mall is also being proposed. 

The Environment and Resources Authority objected to the plans to build a 7,600sq.m underground mall topped by a roof garden. PAMA will be limiting above-ground development to footprint of a disused marble factory, with underground parking and storage levels restricted to the building’s yard. The rest of the land will be kept as an agricultural area, with a tunnel link connecting the shopping call with the supermarket. 


Photo Source: Malta Chamber of Commerce