On Friday, multiple activists and groups gathered in Valletta calling for accountability and responsibility in light of Malta’s femicide situation after 40-year-old Bernice Cassar was murdered by her estranged husband in Paola.
“Why, Maltese state, have you let another woman die? Why, Maltese courts, have you let another women die? Why, police corps, have you left another woman. Another friend. Another sister. Another daughter. Another mother, die? It could have been your mother, sister, daughter or friend. It could have been you.”
These were the words of Moviment Graffitti’s Angele Deguara, as she joined fellow activists and protestors in the streets of Malta’s Capital City to call for an immediate address and resolution to the situation in Malta.
Activists donned multiple signs and placards including ‘Għejjejna u Xbajna’ (We’re tired and fed up), ‘Min se jwieġeb għal dawn il-femiċidji?’ (Who will answer for these femicides?), ‘We have failed Bernice’, and ‘Police, blood on your hands’ amongst others.
A statement published by the local NGO stated that Moviment Graffitti will keep on asking, working and struggling to change the situation as soon as possible.