
Vaccine certificates to be issued in the coming days

Vaccine certificates to be issued in the coming days
May 24 2021 Share

Addressing a press conference, Prime Minister Chris Fearne announced that vaccine certifications will be issued in the coming days as herd immunity is reached and 70% of the population has received at least the first dose. Vaccine certificates will be able to change the epidemiological situation and allow for further measurement easing. Fearne stated that talks are taking place which will also see the reopening cultural and social events and also religious events.

The transmission of the virus has decreased significantly and will therefore mean that those who have been vaccinated will also be able to remove the mask should they meet someone else who has been vaccinated (up to two people). Close to 42% of Malta is fully vaccinated, with over 475,000 vaccines administered.


Photo Source: Euronews, Chris Fearne FB

Fully vaccinated people may be mask-less in public as from 1st July

May 24 2021 Share

During today’s press conference addressed by Deputy Prime Minister and Health Minister Chris Fearne along with Superintendent for Public Health Prof. Charmaine Gauci, it was revealed that Malta’s mask-wearing restrictions will change as from 1st of July.

Dr Fearne stated that as from 1st July, fully vaccinated individuals will be allowed to be in public without having to wear a mask. However, he went on to state that mask-wearing will remain obligatory in groups of more than 2.

During the conference, Dr. Fearne also stated that the government does not exclude the reintroduction of social and cultural events in the coming months, but it will depend on the country’s vaccination rate.



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Malta has officially reached herd immunity

May 24 2021 Share

Addressing a press conference, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne announced that Malta has officially reached herd immunity. 70% of the 432,616 eligible adults have received at least the first jab of the COVID-19 vaccine. As of Monday 24th May, 474,475 vaccine doses, of which 302,933 were first doses. 180,243 people are fully vaccinated.

Herd immunity provides security against the COVID-19 virus for those who have not yet received their jab because a majority of the population has done so. Vaccination roll-out will still continue for COVID-19 to be completely eradicated but herd immunity could mean a reassessment of many health restrictions and a possible return to normality.

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Photo Source: Polina Kovaleva

TV hosts Lou Bondi and Peppi Azzopardi express their views on Eurovision

TV hosts Lou Bondi and Peppi Azzopardi express their views on Eurovision
May 24 2021 Share

After Malta placed 7th during last week’s 2021 edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, TV host Lou Bondi took to Facebook to state that the Eurovision is an embarrassing joke for anyone who’s passionate and knowledgeable about music. He stated that this opinion has been around for 30 years, and Bondi has allegedly told past Maltese contestants Mary Spiteri and Chiara that their voices and talent are demeaned by ‘this festival of mediocrity.’ He directed the message to Destiny as well.

Xarabank TV host Peppi Azzopardi responded to the message with a disagreement, saying that the song contest is watched by millions because it is a fun festival of music. He asked Bondi whether him watching his festival with his family makes him mediocre as well or whether they did something wrong. He asked Bondi, as well as commentators agreeing with his statement, to let people enjoy the contest in peace.

Do you agree with Lou Bondi’s statement? Or do you find the Eurovision to be a fun festival which brings together groups of people to enjoy music?



Photo Source: Wiwibloggs, Peppi Azzopardi FB, Lou Bondi FB