The Association for Abandoned Animals (AAA) recounted the wholesome story of a US woman who went the extra mile (literally, travelling from the US to Malta) to adopt a stray cat she just couldn’t forget about.
The woman contacted the AAA, saying that she met the poor cat and simply could not leave him behind in the streets when she got back to her country.
Despite the AAA normally dealing with stray dogs, this woman’s determination to adopt Charlie the cat was so potent that they took it upon themselves to unite the owner and pet.
‘We cannot admit any cats in a sanctuary full of dogs but we also knew that this is the cat’s only chance to live as a pet with a human mother who loves animals and also volunteers in her country’ they explained.
They explained how a volunteer took Charlie with her other two cats and two daughters. Filling out the necessary papers and documents, the journey was complete with Charlie leaving Malta with his new human mother.
‘All the way from Malta to Munich to Newark. And then another short trip to another part in New Jersey.’ This woman was also by extent an inspiration to anyone wishing to go the extra mile to adopt animals.