38-year-old American woman Andrea Prudente, aged 38, will be airlifted to Spain to carry out an abortion after being denied the procedure in Malta.
Lawyer Lara Dimitrijevic confirmed that the couple’s travel insurance will cover the air ambulance to Mallorca, where the procedure will be held, due to the situation being classified as “life-threatening”.
The couple could leave Malta for the Hospital Universitari Son Espases as early as Thursday, stating that they are “very relieved” that the end to their ordeal is within reach.
Doctors had advised the couple that the baby has no chance of survival, despite their being a heartbeat, but could not do anything unless her life was in imminent danger. Due to this complication, the couple were waiting for the foetus to die with fears that the mother could contract a life-threatening infection as a result.
Malta remains the only EU country with a blanket ban on abortion, with the latest pro-choice demonstration being held outside Parliament on Wednesday with placards exhibiting arguments such as “Abortion is safe and necessary” and “My body, my choice, my country, my voice.”