The Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry has called for an urgent MCESD meeting, being ‘very worried about the current situation that the country is in, particularly, though not only, about the nationwide power outages experienced continuously over the past days which have left business and the general public in paralysis.’
‘In view of this, The Malta Chamber has asked the MCESD Chairperson to convene, with urgency, a meeting amongst all the stakeholders to discuss this situation collectively as a nation. This current state of play cannot persist and worst of all repeat itself – the right decisions and timely investment need to be taken now. This country needs to have a long term economic and social vision that goes beyond the political spectrum.’
‘In the past days, The Malta Chamber showed its concern and worries on the way the country is being led. This goes beyond the power cuts being experienced continuously. There is the urgent need to discuss the way crucial issues which effect the nation as a whole are being handled. This can only be achieved through a responsible dialogue with all social partners collectively. The business community is calling upon the government to act now before it is too late.’
Malta has entered its second week of power cuts as Enemalta continues to work to fix the faults forming in various localities as a scorching heatwave persists.