The point of beloved, but also rage inducing, card game Uno is to discard your hand one card at a time by matching colours or numbers to the previously played card.
However, Mattel, the company which owns the game, has decided to create a variant of the classic game by removing all the numbers and colours and keeping just the wild cards.
It is not some sort of joke – it’s real and available at Mattel.com for just six bucks. Players are handed a hand from a deck of 112 cards. Players then take turns playing cards from their hand until they get rid of all their cards.
With all cards being wild, players can play at any turn as there’s no need to match colours or numbers. Despite this making it theoretically faster, special cards can slow things down.
There are of course skip and double-skip cards, reverse cards as well targeted ‘draw 2’ cards as well. These cards also allow players to choose which of their opponents have to expand their hand.
There are also cards which force hand swaps, meaning players have to switch their entire decks with others. Its Uno, but not really. It also retains the necessity of having to shout out ‘UNO!’ when someone has one card remaining – something everyone definitely remembers to do.