Lecturers from the University of Malta’s Departments of Mathematics, English and Maltese expressed their objection at the entry requirement lowering for Junior College which was announced earlier this year.
A meeting was held by the University Senate on January 20th, 2022, and it was decreed that students in possession of six passes at SEC level, with at least one pass in one of the core subjects will be allowed to enrol at JC on a probationary basis.
Such students will need to achieve a pass mark in the remaining core subject/s in order for them to be able to move on to University.
This would mean that, as from this academic year, only one pass is needed as opposed to a pass mark in all three subjects.
The delegate said in a public statement that ‘basic knowledge of and proficiency in the two official languages and in mathematics is essential for students to pursue their post-secondary and tertiary education with profit.’
“For the sake of students themselves, we believe that any changes made should not lessen the importance of these competencies.”
“While we acknowledge that the Junior College and the University of Malta should assist all the students who have difficulties in learning languages, Mathematics, and any other subject, we believe that such a crucial decision, which is bound to have serious effects on the students’ knowledge of Maltese, English, and Mathematics, should be taken after wide and serious consultation with experts in the various subjects.”
Read public statement here.