
Union shares images of ‘substandard’ St Julian’s police station

Union shares images of ‘substandard’ St Julian’s police station
Jul 16 2022 Share

The Malta Police Force has revealed shocking images of the state of the police stations in St Julian’s wherein police officers are being required to carry out their duties. 

Releasing a statement at the end of Police Week, the Union published new photos which it claimed were taken at the St Julian’s police station. The images show everything from shattered glass to exposed wiring to other serious neglect of the premises. 

‘In line with the objective 8 of the Malta Police Transformation Strategy we welcome you to St. Julians Police Station where our Police Officers can ”carry out their duties in an environment that safeguards their quality of life” said the statement sarcastically. 

With markings and writings on walls, broken doors and loose cables, the state of the station were described as a horror house to work in. The union is issuing calls for something to be done and give Malta’s police officers a dignified working spot. 


Under 40’s shouldn’t have more than one shot glass of beer a day says study

Under 40’s shouldn’t have more than one shot glass of beer a day says study
Jul 16 2022 Share

A new study has raised some concerns for beer lovers under the age of 40 as it has come out with the ideal limit for the amount of beer which should be allowed in a day… and it’s miniscule.

Researchers say that the key to health is to take everything in moderation, but moderation varies depending on what activity is being exercised. 

When it comes to beer, the NHS currently recommends not going above 14 units a week (around six pints) to stay within the safe limit. This also varies according to factors such as body mass and age.

But a new study from the University of Washington’s School of Medicine says that the actual safe limit for men under 40 is just a 38ml shot glass of beer per day.

For women the limit was found to be much higher, ranked at 100ml of beer before health issues start to become more prominent. However, the senior author of the study outright said that there is no health benefit to drinking alcohol for youth.

Dr Emmanuela Gakidou did acknowledge however that it is far from realistic to think young adults will not drink. Instead, she said, we should focus on communicating the latest evidence so that people are as informed as possible.

For men older than 40 years, it was found that having a drink or two can play a part in keeping issues like heart disease or strokes at bay – as long as it is still in moderation. For guys aged 65 or over, four drinks was found to actually be more beneficial. 


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St Paul’s Bay Councillor leads by example as he picks up waste left outside

St Paul’s Bay Councillor leads by example as he picks up waste left outside
Jul 16 2022 Share

Displaying the hallmarks of a true leader, St Paul’s Bay local councillor Chris Vella Petroni took it upon himself to pick up abandoned trash left in Qawra.

A photo was uploaded to a local Facebook group, commending the councillor for his service and his leading by example. 

The person who captured the moment, Godwin Magro, revealed that he went down to offer him a bottle of water as he worked in the scorching sun. This was when he revealed that he formed part of the local council. ‘A real meaning of lead by example’ said Magro.

The post was very well received by commenters who also praised Petroni’s commitment to keep the environment of the area clean and safe for the residents living there. 

‘Chris has been soldering on with this for months on end, cleaning up mess after mess himself doing the work others should have done. Yes he is a St Paul’s Bay councillor and there’s not enough praise one can give him’ one said. 

Others also pointed out that, despite the mindful gesture, he shouldn’t be the one to being doing so in the first place. Many urged people to be more aware of where they leave their trash and respect the terrain around them for others’ sake if not their own. 


Photo Source: Godwin Magro via Are You Being Served?(Rubs of Moira and Francesca’s The Original)

Changes to Comino bungalow plans approved by ERA and awaiting PA decision

Changes to Comino bungalow plans approved by ERA and awaiting PA decision
Jul 16 2022 Share

The Environment and Resources Authority’s Board has officially approved the last assessment concerning the redevelopment of the bungalows and hotel at San Niklaw Bay and Santa Marija Bay in Comino.

The decision concerning the Appropriate and the Environmental Impact assessments came after the applicants made several changes to the original plans as it was requested by ERA.

The newly approved plan includes a reduction of the previously proposed footprint as well as containment of the development. The Planning Authority will now be handed the final assessment for further analysis. 

Developers made amendments to the original plans by reducing the proposed footprint by around 5,000 metres squared. One of the more massive changes include the restoration of land closer to the coast by shifting the building envelope inland and thus reducing footprint at San Niklaw.

There will also be the removal of a pier from the two originally proposed (which were around 15 to 17 metres), the reducing of bungalows to around 19, removing an outhouse as well as a concierge pavilion, and arranging associated footpaths. 
