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Unemployment rises by 87% over the past year

Nov 20 2020 Share

The National Statistics Office has registered an 87% increase in unemployment over the past year, with 1,666 people registering for unemployment.

This dramatic increase in unemployment comes as a consequence of the economic downfall brought over by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Another 127 people registered under Part II which refers to workers dismissed under disciplinary action, left work voluntarily, refused work or training or were terminated following Law Enforcement inspection.


121 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 105 recoveries

67 COVID-19 cases registered overnight with 323 recoveries
Nov 20 2020 Share

Malta has registered 121 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours from 3,377 swab tests, while 105 patients have recovered. This information was announced by the official Facebook page of Malta’s Ministry for Health.

Details on new active cases will be given by Prof. Charmaine Gauci during a press briefing at 12:30, which will be streamed on saħħa.

To date, Malta has registered 8,681 COVID-19 cases in total, of which: 6,406 have recovered, 108 died and 2,167 are still active.


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50 Cent said Donald Trump wanted to bribe him for $1 million

Nov 20 2020 Share

50 Cent drove his fans crazy when this year’s U.S. election came round, but he have topped his list of crazy moments with the recent claims that Donald Trump attempted to bribe him for his endorsement for $1 million. 

With contradictory statements occupying social media, we just don’t know what to expect from 50 Cent, with statements on Twitter saying ‘Vote for Trump’ and tweets reading “F* Donald Trump, I never liked him.”

With 50 being the controversial figure he is, we don’t know what to believe, but let’s just say that nothing will surprise us from these two figures.


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Yada ‘N’ Heels fans outraged; start petition following controversial Malta’s Got Talent replacement

Nov 20 2020 Share

Programmes like X Factor and Malta’s Got Talent have their fair share of controversy, no less in Maltese television, as outraged Yada ‘N’ Heels fans start a petition following their replacement due to COVID-19 issues.

Fellow dancer Izzy is set to take their place, sparking outrage amongst TV viewers who are calling the move ‘unjust’ and started a petition to bring back the trio in the second or third semi-finals.

Do you think their removal was unjust? Or is it just the way things go? Let us know!

The petition can be found here.


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