
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to address Maltese parliament today

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to address Maltese parliament today
May 10 2022 Share

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be addressing Malta’s parliament via video link today afternoon at 4pm.

This follows an invitation made by Foreign Minister Ian Borg after a talk with his Ukrainian counterpart last month. This also comes after Malta revealed it is seeking a compromise with the EU on its proposal to ban Russian oil transportation on EU-flagged ships.

The event will be accompanied by a short address by the prime minister and the leader of the opposition. Zelenskyy is set to discuss several topics with the Maltese MEPs, including the victory of Malta over Nazism in the Second World War.

The president has addressed many parliaments as the war rages on in his country, with EP President Roberta Metsola being the first high-rankling EU official to visit Kyiv following the invasion. 


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WATCH: Here’s how The Exterminator handles pests with the least cruelty possible

WATCH: Here's how The Exterminator handles pests with the least cruelty possible
May 10 2022 Share

During a recent interview with Malta Daily, the mind behind The Exterminator brand Arnold Sciberras told us that the project started well over 20 years ago. Sciberras revealed that, him being an environmentalist at heart and a student of natural history, he always saw that Malta had a need for mature and professional pest management which seeks to educate the people whilst caring for the country’s biodiversity.

Sciberras outlined how he has worked locally and internationally, eventually setting up his own business. The Exterminator joined forces Degiorgio Vassallo Ventures Limited, transforming from a “one man show”, as Sciberras called it, to a more professional, more effective brand.

“We have always kept science at the forefront as a company”, Sciberras said, as he argued the importance of approaching a project holistically, with a host-specific approach. The host-specific approach means that when faced with a problem, they do not simply tackle it with whatever chemical is available but tailor the project to make the least impact to the surrounding environment.

The Exterminator boss outlined how the way you handle a casual intruder or pest problem makes a huge difference. First, to control the problem by exterminating the pest completely from the locality and second, to approach the problem with as little cruel and barbaric means as possible. Such means is not only cruel, but also inefficient, as pests who witness other species suffering, they will avoid the area at all costs.

Sciberras stated that, thanks to the current team, there are no limits to The Exterminator’s growth and development, highlighting that they constantly travel and conduct research to ultimately improve their service and conduct with the least cruelty possible.

Have you ever used The Exterminator’s services?


Worker dies at Wasteserv incinerator

Worker dies at Wasteserv incinerator
May 10 2022 Share

A worker has reportedly died after being involved in an accident at Marsa’s Wasteserv incinerator. 

Police confirmed that the incident happened in the abattoir area at around 9am.

Details are still scarce at this point, with the victim’s identity not yet revealed. A magisterial inquiry is currently underway as more details emerge. 


New Zealand hits 1 million COVID cases since pandemic began

New Zealand hits 1 million COVID cases since pandemic began
May 10 2022 Share

After spending the 18 months of the pandemic free of any infections, New Zealand has topped the 1 million mark of COVID-19 cases since the pandemic began. 

This new rank reflects a change in New Zealand’s dealing with the pandemic as more than 986,000 of the cases hit during thee months since the start of this year, 2022. The country started experiencing the rise ever since the Omicron variant breached the borders in December of 2021. 

The government had also went ahead and loosened most of the restrictions in March. The 1 million milestone means that 20% of the population has   been infected. However, modellers said the true number could be three times higher. 

Despite the rise in cases, New Zealand’s death rate has remained relatively low. The total number of publicly reported deaths with COVID-19 is now 876. By comparison, Hong Kong recorded more than 9300 deaths for its population of 7.48m.

The low death rates has been assisted by its high levels of vaccination as 95% of adults are double vaccinated, with 70% having had the booster shot. This prompted director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield to thank ‘everyone in New Zealand who has played their part to keep our case numbers and rates low when compared internationally.’ 

 Comparing locally, Malta has had 92,953 total cases of COVID-19, with 711 deaths associated with the virus. 
