A survey commissioned by Times of Malta found that around one in four Maltese people see the war in Ukraine as one of the main problems facing their country.
The war placed second alongside COVID-19, just below the rising cost of living. A total of 19% of respondents view the war as the biggest threat to Malta at present.
The cost of living has ben listed as the leading concern by 25.7% of respondents. The last survey was conducted by the newsroom between March 5th and 15th by market research firm Esprimi.
A survey carried out in February showed that rising prices had risen to second place in the lit of concerns, with the first being the pressure on Malta’s healthcare system due to COVID-19.
The latest round of the survey showed that the pandemic is a leading concern for 19% of respondents, placing equally up with the war in Ukraine. Corruption dropped to fourth place, replaced by traffic.
Around 13% think corruption is a leading concern, compared to around 16% who think that traffic congestions are the biggest problem facing the country. This was followed by salaries as being the biggest problem (around 6.7%). Despite the invasion being seen as a threat to the country, it is not seen as an issue which will personally impact the Maltese people.
The youngest of voters, between 16-to-24-year-olds, said they are least concerned with the war, with just 12.5% of this group thinking the war is the greatest threat to the country.