A new ‘ground-breaking’ hangover pill has just gone on sale today in the UK for just £1 and it promises to ‘rapidly break down alcohol’.
The pills promise anyone who wants to enjoy a night out enjoying margaritas that sore heads and rumbly stomachs will be no more. Myrkl is actually a pre-drinking pill which is 100% natural and vegan.
The supplement costs £30 for a pack of 30 pills and was first invented back in 1990 by scientist Johan de Faire. They were however ‘perfected over 30 years of research and design.’ Users need to simply take two pills before drinking – either at least one hour before or any time up to 12 hours before.
Up to 70% of alcohol is subsequently broken down after just 60 minutes. The product also claims to support immunity and boost energy with B12 vitamins.
Still, the product is not completely fool-proof as they also recommend adhering to the NHS guidelines. These advise people not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis.
Myrkl warns on its website that, despite helping break down alcohol fast before it reaches the liver, ‘it is not suited and aimed to alleviate the impact of excess alcohol consumption.’ It should never ‘be an excuse to drink more alcohol.’