UK starts selling new hangover pill to break down alcohol faster

UK starts selling new hangover pill to break down alcohol faster
Jul 5 2022 Share

A new ‘ground-breaking’ hangover pill has just gone on sale today in the UK for just £1 and it promises to ‘rapidly break down alcohol’. 

The pills promise anyone who wants to enjoy a night out enjoying margaritas that sore heads and rumbly stomachs will be no more. Myrkl is actually a pre-drinking pill which is 100% natural and vegan.

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The supplement costs £30 for a pack of 30 pills and was first invented back in 1990 by scientist Johan de Faire. They were however ‘perfected over 30 years of research and design.’ Users need to simply take two pills before drinking – either at least one hour before or any time up to 12 hours before. 

Up to 70% of alcohol is subsequently broken down after just 60 minutes. The product also claims to support immunity and boost energy with B12 vitamins. 

Still, the product is not completely fool-proof as they also recommend adhering to the NHS guidelines. These advise people not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. 

Myrkl warns on its website that, despite helping break down alcohol fast before it reaches the liver, ‘it is not suited and aimed to alleviate the impact of excess alcohol consumption.’ It should never ‘be an excuse to drink more alcohol.’ 


Petition to have more dog-friendly beaches presented in Parliament

Petition to have more dog-friendly beaches presented in Parliament
Jul 5 2022 Share

A local dog owner has began a petition which urges the Maltese parliament to increase the number of beaches which allow dogs to swim.

The petition, which has officially been tabled in the House of Representatives, calls for a review of the beaches where dogs can be taken for a quick dip in the sea. 

It proposes the inclusion of more beaches where dogs can swim along with the already established 10 beaches around the Maltese islands. Alan Grixti, the creator of the petition, argues that the beaches are also  not adequate enough for the dogs. 

Grixti is requesting that dogs and their owners be allowed to use most of the beaches before 9am. This is due to the summer heat being unbearable for dogs, with beaches also being less crowded before that time. 

Back in May of this year, Commissioner for Animal Welfare Alison Bezzina had also presented a number of recommendations to the Ministry for Agriculture and Animal Rights. Among them was a proposal for dog-friendly beaches and better surveillance in such areas. 


Asahi the local rescued turtle released at Ramla Bay Gozo

Asahi the local rescued turtle released at Ramla Bay Gozo
Jul 5 2022 Share

Asahi, the locally rescued turtle, was released at Ramla Bay Gozo on the 4th of July after having being rescued in September of last year. 

Rescued 4km north west of Malta, it was found by a crew of a big yacht who then brought in Asahi. The turtle was unfortunately badly entangled in marine debris and in quite a poor state.


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Sostenibilita took to social media to post the moment as the turtle made its way back to the blue to the cheers and fascination of onlookers. 

‘It is time to Save our Blue and be part of the solution and not the pollution to safeguard these amazing species!🐢💙 


Former foreign minister voices Valletta resident noise concerns

Former foreign minister voices Valletta resident noise concerns
Jul 5 2022 Share

A day after parliament debated a PN motion to repeal new rules which would allow late-night open-air music in various streets in the capital city, former minister Evarist Bartolo voiced his, and the voice of a resident, against the rulings. 

Taking to social media, the former foreign minister revealed that he met a woman from a traditionally Labour family who expressed the sense of ‘zero respect’ for residents of the city. 

Bartolo wrote that many people were feeling betrayed by those they chose to lead and defend them. He compared Malta with islands such as Ibiza (a party island) which still has silent towns and areas for citizens. 

‘Those who want entertainment zones can look elsewhere’ he said, saying that others even look to Valletta for architecture, art and its overall atmosphere. 

‘Has Valletta and all of its liveliness become better, even with so many restaurants and tables set up outside in the open? Is there need for this exaggeration? Is it wise to transform Malta into Paceville from one end to another?’ 

‘For many residents, the argument that there will be law enforcement to regulate the music was not convincing. We are not exactly a model country when it comes to enforcement’ he concluded. 
