
UK guy orders one Burger King patty for each of his 36 years alive

UK guy orders one Burger King patty for each of his 36 years alive
Feb 28 2023 Share

A guy from the UK has created what might possibly be the country’s biggest burger after demanding that Burger King create a 36 beef patty stack, one for each year of this life. 

Craig Harker created a 6,000 calorie meal by ordering a regular Whopper meal and adding 35 extra patties… with fries and a Diet Coke of course. 

The pub owner ordered the gigantic £53.49 burger at the Stockton-on-Trees Burger King Branch in Teesside. 

Harker, a father of three, unveiled the foot high burger and proceeded to chow down onto it. He was reportedly only able to eat 12 of the patties, each costing £1.30. 

He still however called it a ‘proper birthday treat’, saying that when he was handed the burger, it was like handing over a baton during an Olympics relay. ‘I had to be careful when taking the food, especially as it was so heavy.’ 

Would you be willing to try something like this?


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IS THIS IT? Maltese speakers address life’s most pressing questions this evening

IS THIS IT? Maltese speakers address life's most pressing questions this evening
Feb 28 2023 Share

Too often are we faced with questions of existential crises, everyday dilemmas that present themselves to us in the form of questions such as “am I in the wrong job?” and “where do I start from?”


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The answers to such questions are not easily obtained but thankfully, local marketing agency thecreatives. are attempting to answer such questions at their first ‘FAQ IT’ event dubbed ‘Is This It?’

During the event, which will happen this evening at Theatre Next Door in Magħtab, a panel of prestigious and experienced Maltese speakers will come together for an evening of reflection and discussion, addressing life’s most pressing questions.

Doors open at 18:00, with a high-profile panel of speakers such as Alexandra Cachia, Yasmin Degiorgio, Peter Grech, Andrew Alamango, Alex Vella and Claudia Taylor-East.

Complimentary drinks will be served right after the discussion at 8pm.


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290,771 calls received by 112 emergency line in 2022

290,771 calls received by 112 emergency line in 2022
Feb 28 2023 Share

The Public Service’s official Facebook page revealed that, in 2022, a total of 290,771 calls on the emergency line 112 were received. 

The post also revealed that all of these calls were answered within just 3 seconds. The Public Service reminded the public that this telephone line is only to be used in the case of emergencies.

On behalf of MaltaDaily, we thank all the responders working to keep everyone safe when required.


The good, the bad and the ugly of ChatGPT and AI

The good, the bad and the ugly of ChatGPT and AI
Feb 28 2023 Share

As AI technology like the currently most prominent ChatGPT become even more popular and accessible for day to day use, the Malta’s IT Law Association (MITLA) released a white paper calling for the need for a better policy-orientation around emerging technologies. 

The white paper highlights the three sides to this complex technological development. On the bright side, ChatGPT has introduced AI to the masses and can prove very useful in written tasks. 

This can open avenues to create new jobs and make up for certain skill shortages as companies produce higher quality work faster at lower costs. 

However, as with everything, there can be a downside to this. AI, write MITLA, is simply regurgitating learnt patterns of language. This means it ‘ingests the biases inherent in the dataset it is trained upon and therefore can perpetuate such biases and be sabotaged by bad actors.’

Apart from opening up the likelihood of cheating on tests, an uglier side to the AI is that it’s ability to write convincingly lends itself to misinformation abuse. ‘By creating “believable lies” through articulate writing, it can be used by people to publish misinformation.’

The proposals by MITLA include regulating emerging technologies to minimise biases inherent in the datasets that feed them as well as analysing the education system to ensure that students are equipped with necessary tools to adapt to such tech. 

Educators as well should be assisted to adapt to AI, with legal changes also required to map out responsibilities and liabilities of AI companies. 

Following the AGM, the new executive committee for MITLA was appointed: Anthonio Ghio as president, Sharon Xuereb as vice president, Franklin Cachia as treasurer, Alexia Valenzia as secretary, Gege Gatt on communications, Sarah Cannataci on project management, Deo Falzon on events, Kenneth Terribile on external outreach and Keith Cutajar on education. 

Read the full white paper here.
