UK could roll out COVID-19 vaccine ‘after Christmas’

Oct 26 2020 Share

The UK is reportedly planning to roll out a COVID-19 towards the end of this year. 

The vaccine, which is under development at Oxford University, could potentially be ready for distribution by Christmas time. 

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson stated that there were signs of hope but appealed to the public that the situation should not be taken for granted.


Immigrants arrested for breaking into Ħamrun homes

Oct 26 2020 Share

The local police have arrested a number of immigrants who were illegally entering people’s houses and jumping from one roof to another in Ħamrun.

Immigration Police and the Rapid Intervention Unit from the Valletta and Ħamrun units surrounded residential blocks and arrested the immigrants.

Malta daily Facebook 970x90

The individuals were taken to the Police Headquarters’ for further questioning as investigation is currently under way.


State of Emergency declared in Spain

Oct 26 2020 Share

Following a declaration of a state of emergency, a curfew between 10pm and 6am was placed on Catalonia, making it the first region in Spain to impose measures of this sort. 

Establishments have been instructed to close their doors at 9PM, one hour before curfew, to assure that the general public arrives home on time. 

As COVID-19 cases continues to surge in Europe, Spain has consistently been one of the most-affected countries, recently surpassing one million cases.


Lapes & friends through to the next round

Oct 25 2020 Share

As if Il-Lapes on his own wasn’t enough to wow the judges – Mac and Funky joined forces with one of Malta’s best rappers to come up with an amazing rap song revolving around the judges.

The Maltese rap legend lived up to his name and went through the next round with flying colours.
