
Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality

Ugandan MPs pass bill imposing death penalty for homosexuality
Mar 22 2023 Share

MPs in Uganda have passed an anti-LGBTIQ+ bill which would make homosexual acts punishable by death. 

The bill, which attracted strong condemnation from human rights campaigners, was voted in favour by all but two of the 389 legislators. 

The anti-homosexuality bill introduces capital and life imprisonment sentences for gay sex as well as ‘recruitment, promotion and funding’ of same sex activities. 

The bill, presented by chairperson for legal and parliamentary affairs Robina Rwakoojo, reads: “A person who commits the offence of aggravated homosexuality and is liable, on conviction to suffer death.” 

Only two MPs from the ruling party, Fox Odoi-Oywelowo and Paul Kwizera Bucyana, opposed the new legislation.

Odoi-Oywelowo said that the bill is ill-conceived and contains provisions that are unconstitutional. It ‘reverses the gains registered in the fight against gender-based violence and criminalises individuals instead of conduct that contravenes all known legal norms.’ 

On the other hand, one MP in the chamber John Musila, wore a gown reading ‘Say No To Homosexual, Lesbianism, Gay.’ The bill will now be going to President Yoweri Museveni, who can veto or sign it into law. 

In Uganda, homosexual sex was already punishable by life imprisonment. More than 110 LGBTQ+ people in Uganda reported incidents including arrests, sexual violence, evictions and public undressing to advocacy group Sexual Minorities Uganda (Smug) in February alone. Transgender people were disproportionately affected, said the group.


‘We need to change lanes’ say Moviment Graffiti after hospital privatisation scandal

‘We need to change lanes’ say Moviment Graffiti after hospital privatisation scandal
Mar 22 2023 Share

Moviment Graffitti organised a press conference where it presented an open letter signed by around 400 individuals coming from diverse backgrounds and social realities, and who all embrace and identify with Socialist, leftist or progressive values.

The open letter, addressed to Cabinet, is a reaction to the recent court ruling rescinding the fraudulent privatisation of three state hospitals.

The letter expresses our outrage at the fact that what has been plainly apparent from the first moment this deal was announced has taken this long to be addressed.

‘Years of investment in the country’s health infrastructure have been lost, with the people who most rely on Malta’s public health service being the ultimate victims.’

‘Mr Justice Depasquale’s landmark judgement makes it abundantly clear that the people behind Vitals and Steward acted in bad faith. Their corrupt intentions were clear from the moment the secret MoU was revealed, and this latest court judgement makes their wrongdoing undeniable.’

‘It also lays bare the utterly flawed reasoning, corrupt process, and public cost of this supposedly Socialist Government’s string of privatisation deals, through which it sold off public land and core national infrastructure related to energy and healthcare.’

‘The privatisation of public assets should never be pursued by any government with the people’s long-term aspirations at heart. It is a procedure that benefits only the rich, to the detriment of everyone else.’

‘That this unsound pathway to national development was adopted by the Labour Party is a stain on its history, and a betrayal of the core beliefs that so many sympathise with.’

‘Taking into consideration the gravity of the matter, and in light of not only the recent court judgement but also the Auditor General’s various investigations into this and other privatisation initiatives, and always with the genuine intention of building a more just future for all those who live in Malta, Moviment Graffitti and the hundreds of signatories demand the following:

1. All privatisation deals in which Konrad Mizzi, Keith Schembri, Chris Cardona, Joseph Muscat, and Projects Malta (now Malta Strategic Partnership Projects) had any role must be investigated to determine whether fraud or corruption played any part in the process. These include, inter alia, the AUM concession, the sale of the former ITS site to db Group, and the Electrogas and security of gas supply agreements.

2. Should an illicit nature be found in any of these deals, we expect the assets so disposed of to be taken back into state ownership, and criminal proceedings to be brought against those involved, no matter their current or previous position.

3. With regard to the Vitals-Steward deal, the Government should not only take back the hospitals, but also pursue all avenues to regain every cent spent from those responsible, with the reparations to be used on long-neglected elements of the public health service.

4. We also believe that this judgement should be taken as a sign and an opportunity for the Labour Party to shift its stance on privatisation, and immediately stop all current and future deals that involve the sale of public assets.

The privatisation deals seen in the last years have come at a huge cost to the country. Core infrastructure has been allowed to be run down, precious land has been sold for a pittance, hundreds of millions of euro have found their way into the pockets of the local and global rich, institutions have been undermined, and a journalist killed – with Malta paying the price.

The judgement on the hospitals deal is a wake up call. It is time to change lanes.’

Those who wish to join to list of signatories can send an email to [email protected] by Thursday 23 March with their name and ID card number. (see the letter and this signatories so far here).


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Puttinu Cares pay tribute to late Victor Calvagna on his birthday

Puttinu Cares pay tribute to late Victor Calvagna on his birthday
Mar 22 2023 Share

The late Puttinu Cares founder and local paediatric cancer specialist Victor Calvagna would have turned 64-years-old today. 

The NGO took to social media to pay tribute to the beloved doctor, saying that on a day such as this, they would be celebrating, eating cake and discussing the upcoming Good Friday marathon. 

‘But we can do nothing except for miss your presence’ wrote the NGO. ‘We cannot give you a gift but the best thing we can do is name the London building in your name. Binja Victor Calvagna’. 

‘This is for you, who wanted to see this amazing project completed and who had close to his heart all the patients he cared for. Rest in Peace Dr. Calvagna – we will never forget you!’ 

Victor Calvagna was hit by a car in Qawra on Tuesday December 28th last year, rendering him brain dead for several days. He passed away surrounded by his loved ones one week after the accident. 


Termination letter sent to Steward Health Care by government

Termination letter sent to Steward Health Care by government
Mar 22 2023 Share

The government sent a termination letter to Steward Health Care on Tuesday following the recent scandal and court ruling. 

The government also revealed that it is stepping in immediately to run the three state hospitals Karin Grech Hospital, St Luke’s Hospital and Gozo General Hospital. 

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This move gives notice to Steward that it is rejecting the termination conditions which Steward put forth last week upon its announcement that it will be quitting operations on the island. 

The government revealed, through Health Minister Chris Fearne in parliament, that it will be carrying out a controlled step in, meaning that it will start running the hospitals with immediate effect. 

The government will do so on the healthcare giant’s behalf for the upcoming two weeks. The facilities aforementioned will only formally return to the government once the transition period ends. 

Sources within the government informed Times of Malta that this move gives the government a stronger legal footing should it decide to sue the company for damages. The government wishes to avoid a €100 million payment Steward wants to push for having its deal to run the hospitals cancelled earlier than agreed upon. 

On his part, Deputy Prime Minister Chris Fearne told parliament that he would safeguard all jobs and contracts to people working at any of these hospitals.
