Two new fire engines have just been inaugurated for the Civil Protection Department through an investment of more than €1.2 million.
The inauguration was announced via press conference by Minister for Home Affairs, National Security and Law Enforcement Byron Camilleri, who said that he feels immensely pleased with the investment going into the country’s protective forces.

He said that this investment is not simply one that targets the department itself but one that also protects the families living in Malta.
One of the vehicles is a BA tender, which will be mainly used to supply the necessary oxygen cylinders required numerous times during operations. Through this vehicle, the cylinders will be refilled right on spot thanks to the advanced technology the fire engine is equipped with.
The second vehicle is a lighting unit which will help the officers of the CPD light up the emergency zone. The vehicle will also supply several sanitary zones as well as drinking water provisions for when an operation takes a considerable amount of time.