Tune in at 20:35 for Malta’s newest engaging investigative programme Awla

Tune in at 20:35 for Malta’s newest engaging investigative programme
Apr 16 2021 Share

Awla is the newest investigative programme hitting your television screens every Friday evening on ONE TV. Luke Dalli will be leading a controversial panel who will engage in heated discussions on the most important and current topics. Clara Farrugia will be leading investigations while Wayne Sammut will head fact-checking exercises.

Illejla, niddiskutu l-bullying u l-konsegwenzi li jġarrab.Fl-Awla.20.35pm fuq ONE.com.mt.#awlatv

Posted by Awla on Friday, 16 April 2021

This trio will be keeping you immersed and engaged for 90 minutes every Friday night. Awla will provide its audience with facts, investigate the most burning issues and showcase touching human stories.

Join in today at 20.35pm on ONE TV for an emotional and eye-opening 90 minute discussion on bullying and its consequences.


New Zealand considering ban on smoking for people born post 2004

New Zealand considering ban on smoking for people born post 2004
Apr 16 2021 Share

New Zealand is considering a ban on cigarettes for anyone born after 2004 in a new proposal to stub out smoking. The country aims to push towards becoming smoke-free by 2025. The ban would essentially make it illegal for younger generations to buy tobacco, with the legal age increasing incrementally.

Other proposals could see a prohibition of filters, minimum pricing, limits on where smoking products can be bought and even a reduction in the level of nicotine permitted in tobacco products. The plans have been backed by public health organisations, including New Zealand’s Cancer Society.


Victory Kitchen announces its 1st birthday with 50,000 meals in one year

Victory Kitchen announces its 1st birthday with 50,000 meals in one year
Apr 16 2021 Share

Local chef and founder of Victory Kitchen Rafel Sammut announced on Facebook that his project has officially been around for one year. Despite having started off with the aim of feeding one family everyday, the project managed to give 50,000 in one year. The project built up an average of a whopping 136 meals per day.

1 year of Victory Kitchen!We started out with the goal of feeding one family every day but we now provide an average…

Posted by Victory Kitchen on Thursday, 15 April 2021

Sammut thanked everyone who helped in any way by donating or being directly part of the project. The charity has provided many hungry mouths with the necessary food to make it through another day. Well done Rafel!


Next-Bike opens a free bicycle driving course ‘Bikeability’

Next-Bike opens a free bicycle driving course ‘Bikeability’
Apr 16 2021 Share

Bikeability, a free course for people to learn how to drive the bicycle, has been made public. Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and planning Aaron Farrugia announced the course on Facebook and stated how it involves both practice and theory for those who wish to learn the eco-friendly driving approach.

Bonġu ħbieb ☀️ Permezz tal-użu tar-rota mhux biss se tkun qed tgħin fil-ġlieda kontra t-tibdil fil-klima billi…

Posted by Aaron Farrugia on Thursday, 15 April 2021

He revealed that the company Next-Bike Malta is releasing this initiative to encourage cycling as a clean alternative to transport and reduce gas emissions. The Minister highlighted how, by driving bicycles instead of cars, one can help not only in the battle against climate change, but to also keep oneself healthy. Participants will be provided with the necessary equipment and knowledge, and the Minister encouraged local councils, NGOs and other companies to apply for the course so as to create a collective move towards environmentally friendly travel.
