Tributes continue for Kacey Sciberras at ITS

Tributes continue for Kacey Sciberras at ITS
May 23 2023 Share

After footage emerged of students gathering to present flowers and balloons for the late traffic accident victim Kacey Sciberras at the Institute for Tourism Studies, the tributes were shown to have continued as many shared their memories of the beloved student.

Students and lecturers took the time to share memories of Kacey, with a video reel of her and her friends also being played during the vigil. 

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The vigil was also attended by Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo, who had issued a tribute for Sciberras. 

He spoke about having spoken to Kacey, who was a member of the ITS Student Council, during a visit to the institute. She shared with him her hopes of continuing in the tourism industry and about the importance of youth activism in the community. 


More men than expected sit down to pee, poll reveals

More men than expected sit down to pee, poll reveals
May 23 2023 Share

A new poll issued by YouPoll has asked the big question – how many men sit down to pee? Conducting a 13 country study on men’s peeing preferences, the results show how German men are more likely to sit down instead of stand. 

40% of German men sit down to pee every time, with 22% of them sitting down most times. Only 8% rarely do so, but Germany is a country with a term which derides men who sit down to pee. It’s called sitzpinkler. 

On the other end of the spectrum, only 6% of men sit down every time to pee, with 15% sitting down most times. 36% claimed to never sit down for a pee. 

Our neighbours in Italy registered a 13% of men sitting down every time for a pee, with 21% sitting down most times and 30% never sitting down for a pee. 

The poll also noticed some generational differences. Older German men, aged 55 and above, are more likely to sit down at 49%, compared to 28% of 18-34 year olds. 

The age difference was reversed in Britain, with 40% of 55+ year olds never sitting down for a pee and 23% of 18 to 34 year olds never sitting down. 

Read full poll here.


New WhatsApp update introduces message editing

New WhatsApp update introduces message editing
May 23 2023 Share

Let’s be honest – we all feel a bit cringed out when we overshare over text or autocorrect really messes up what we actually wanted to say. 

A new feature introduced by Meta could mean that you can now edit your embarrassing messages and any other typos. CEO of Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram’s parent company, Mark Zuckerberg, confirmed the feature. 

However, there is a catch to the new feature – a time limit. Yep, you’ll only be able to edit your texts within a 15 minute time frame. 

This might give you some immediate room to change up your message, but after that quarter of an hour mark you’ll be stuck with what you sent. 

The feature will be accessible by pressing and holding the message you just sent to introduce a new menu pops up. There, an edit button will be available so that you can make your necessary amendments.

There is another catch though – recipients of the message will be able to see that you changed the message. So you might want to wield this newfound power wisely. 

This new feature is being made available to various users worldwide, so you might have to wait a bit before you use it. 


74 year old passenger grievously injured after car crash

74 year old passenger grievously injured after car crash
May 23 2023 Share

Yesterday, at around 1715hrs, police were informed of a traffic accident which took place in Triq Blat il-Qamar, Siġġiewi. 

Police convened immediately on site and preliminary investigations revealed that a 23 year old man resident of Ħaż-Żabbar lost control of his Toyota Starlet and crashed into a house’s front porch. 

Riding passenger in the car was a 74 year old resident of the same locality. A medical team was called onto the site to transport the passenger to Mater Dei Hospital. He was later certified as having suffered grievous injuries.

Police are still investigating. 


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