
Tourists visiting Malta to receive €100 vouchers for diving and sports during summer

€100 vouchers for diving and sports activities
Apr 23 2021 Share

It has just been announced that tourists travelling to Malta this summer may be eligible for €100 vouchers for diving and sports activities, as part of the country’s tourism recovery plan.

A total of €750,000 have been invested into diving vouchers with another €1.5 million covering other sports activities accredited by SportMalta, with tourists being able to apply for the €100 diving vouchers as early as June.

The €100 sports vouchers, on the other hand, will be made available from July, with Minister Bartolo holding that sport is a niche which will positively contribute to the island’s sustainable tourism industry throughout the year.

Il-Ministru għat-Turiżmu u l-Protezzjoni tal-Konsumatur Clayton Bartolo iħabbar inċentivi għat-turiżmu sportiv u d-diving.

Il-Ministru għat-Turiżmu u l-Protezzjoni tal-Konsumatur Clayton Bartolo iħabbar inċentivi għat-turiżmu sportiv u d-diving.

Posted by MaltaGov on Friday, 23 April 2021


‘Marsa incinerator’s move to EcoHive will develop Malta’s ‘waste to resources’ policy & protect local land’ – Farrugia

'Marsa incinerator's move to EcoHive will develop Malta's 'waste to resources' policy & protect local land' - Farrugia
Apr 23 2021 Share

During an interview with Keith Demicoli on Xarabank, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia reiterated future plans for the Marsa Clinical Waste Incinerator to move to the developing EcoHive and highlighted its potential benefits.

Għalina, u għad-dinja tagħna 🌎Aktar minn 500KG ta’ skart miġbur ✅Carmelo Abela

Posted by Aaron Farrugia on Thursday, 22 April 2021

The Minister stated that, with the half a billion euro investment, the Maltese community will not only benefit from better waste management but will also develop its ‘waste to resources’ policy and protect Maltese land.


Photo Source: TVM / gov.mt

WATCH: Marine biologist catches fin whale on video off the coast of Gozo

Apr 23 2021 Share

Yet another whale has been spotted emerging from the deep of the coast of Qbajjar in Gozo.

Marine Biologist Alan Deidun managed to catch the whale on video, going on to identify it as a ‘fin whale’.

This is not the first time that a whale has been spotted in Maltese islands’ waters, with another reported fin whale sighting occurring off the coast of Munxar a few weeks ago.


Photo/Video Source: Alan Deidun

Cooperation agreement “shall open doors to exciting and envious opportunities” for students and graduates in tech industry

Cooperation agreement "shall open doors to exciting and envious opportunities" for students and graduates in tech industry
Apr 23 2021 Share

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presided over the signing of a cooperation agreement between Tech.Mt, the University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities renowned in the field of Computer Studies and technology.

The participating Italian Universities ranking among the top 20 Universities and will work closely together with Tech.Mt and the University of Malta by bridging the gap between Malta and Italy through placements and internships, contributing to the countries’ respective digital economies and giving a platform to students to develop their academic wealth int this sector.

Dawk l-istudenti li qegħdin jew jixtiequ jistudjaw it-teknoloġija🤳illum infetħulhom bibien ġodda ta’ iżjed edukazzjoni,…

Posted by Silvio Schembri on Friday, 23 April 2021

‘All in all from an educational perspective, research which may vary from the field of robotics and biotech or machine learning data science , bio informatics amongst others  is further strengthened for Maltese researchers when applying for European funds with the backing of the University of Malta and these universities. Moreover, For instance, if a Maltese student would like to specialise in an area which in our case is limited such as space. Through this agreement that student is given the opportunity to pursue the studies or academic experience within a reputable overseas university’ explained Minister Schembri.

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presides over the signing of Cooperation Agreement in Technology Innovation between Tech.Mt, University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities

Minister for the Economy and Industry Silvio Schembri presides over the signing of Cooperation Agreement in Technology Innovation between Tech.Mt, University of Malta and 8 Italian Universities

Posted by Silvio Schembri on Friday, 23 April 2021
