A top hair transplant surgeon issued warnings that too much masturbation could cause hair loss.
Dr Umear Ahmad, member of award-winning hair transplant clinic Juvida, revealed that men had approached him asking if too much private solo action would result in any sort of impact on their hair loss.
Dr Ahmad went on to explain to them that although vitamin A, which is found in semen, is important in regards to hair loss, a guy would have to practically go at it non stop to see any noticeable difference.
He explained how someone needs to be severely vitamin A deficient before noticing any deterioration in the hairline. The result of hair loss due to masturbation would thus be a theoretical result of overdoing it.
To counteract the negative effects, Dr Ahmad recommends switching to a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Supplements could also be useful, but Dr Ahmed said the dietary switch is enough.
So there you have it – there is no need for any panic unless you have a botched diet and a knack for overdoing the dirty. As with everything, a right balance should counteract any negative effects.