
Today Marks The 20 Year Anniversary of Friends Finale

May 6 2024 Share

Today marks the 20th year anniversary of the iconic Friends finale that remains one of the most remembered and iconic finales of any sitcoms released.

Spoiler alert if you somehow have not seen the show yet, the last episode of the show sees Monica and Chandler finally complete their love story by welcoming in 2 adopted twins into their growing family whilst also deciding to move out of their iconic flat for a bigger space whilst it also ends with Ross and Rachel finally getting together after countless seasons with fans wondering if  the two will have their happy ending.

This will also be the first time the iconic Friends cast will be commemorating a milestone without the presence of actor Matthew Perry who won the hearts of millions with his portrayal of Chandler Bing and due to his addiction struggles sadly passed away last year.

It is reported that ever since his shocking death the cast have gotten closer to each other and have helped each other through  out this tough time. The cast is said to be very committed to preserving Perry’s memory, by supporting the Matthew Perry Foundation, an organization which is dedicated to helping those suffering with addiction.


Spartacus Gay Travel Index & 1st ITB LGBTIQ Destination Award For Malta

Spartacus Gay Travel Index & 1st ITB LGBTIQ Destination Award For Malta
May 6 2024 Share

During the International Tourism Exchange Berlin (ITB), Malta was honored with two significant awards, solidifying its status as a leader in queer-friendly tourism. Spartacus Gay Travel Index, a respected authority in LGBT+ travel, reaffirmed Malta as the top destination for LGBT+ individuals.

This recognition underscores Malta’s consistent commitment to tolerance and inclusivity. Additionally, Messe Berlin presented the Malta Tourism Authority with the ITB LGBTQ+ Destination Award 2024, acknowledging Malta’s exceptional contributions to international LGBTQ+ tourism.

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This inaugural award highlights Malta’s dedication to providing a welcoming environment for travelers of all preferences. Malta’s efforts in embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity were further recognized with the “Luxury Newcomer Destination 2024” award by Connoisseur Circle at ITB.

These accolades not only emphasize Malta’s allure as a luxurious getaway but also underscore its leadership in LGBTQ+ tourism globally. Malta’s inclusive approach to tourism, coupled with its commitment to diversity, sets a commendable standard for other destinations to follow.

By prioritizing inclusivity and celebrating diversity, Malta continues to attract travelers seeking authentic cultural experiences and genuine connections. As Malta’s reputation for inclusivity grows, it remains a top choice for travelers looking for a destination where they can truly be themselves and enjoy the warmth of Maltese hospitality.


Number Of Registered Businesses Increase In 2023

May 6 2024 Share

According to the National Statistics Office in 2023, registered businesses increased by 2.4 percent or by 3,334 registered units as compared to the year 2022.

Micro registered businesses which are businesses that employ between 0 and 9 people amounted to a total of 136,881 in 2023 which resulted in a 2.5 percent increase from 2022.

Last year professional businesses in the scientific and technical, wholesale and retail trade and financial and insurance sectors covered almost 39.1 percent of the total registered units.

A large number of companies, 57 percent to be exact, were under sole ownerships or legal partnerships whilst the 39.3 percent of companies were limited liability companies or PLC.


Voters Deserve Hospitals Inquiry Publication Says PN Leader

Voters Deserve Hospitals Inquiry Publication Says PN Leader
May 6 2024 Share


Bernard Grech, the Opposition leader, has urged the Attorney General to provide him with a copy of the hospitals inquiry report, persisting in his call for its public release.

Grech expressed his dissatisfaction with the limited access to the findings, which he claimed only Prime Minister Robert Abela and a select few possess. Speaking at a press conference held at the party headquarters, Grech emphasized that he formally requested the report from the AG in his capacity as Opposition leader and urged for its publication.

Accusing Prime Minister Abela of dishonesty, Grech asserted that voters should not be asked to pass judgment on the inquiry without full disclosure of its contents. He criticized Abela for allegedly manipulating information to instill fear regarding a purported “mafia clique” at Castille.

Grech emphasized the Nationalist Party’s commitment to transparency and informed decision-making for voters.

The hospitals inquiry, concluded two weeks prior, remains at the discretion of the AG for publication. Grech implied that Abela had access to the report, though the Prime Minister has not refuted this claim.

Grech warned of legal action should the inquiry not be made public, accusing Abela of attempting to suppress the truth. He dismissed allegations of leaks from the inquiry, suggesting that such claims only corroborated Abela’s access to the findings.

Labour Party Responds: 

Following the statement by Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech, the Labour Party issued a response, stating: ‘It was Prime Minister Robert Abela who first stated that the inquiry into the concession of hospitals to Vitals must be published in its entirety. Particularly in light of the fact that this inquiry, which had been ongoing for four and a half years, was “completed” at the moment the nominations for the June 8 elections were announced.’

‘On the other hand, the Leader of the Opposition was the first to assert that the Attorney General and the Commissioner should act independently, and now he is saying that he wants a copy of the inquiry. The Leader of the Opposition also declared that he will continue to apply pressure and confirmed that he will proceed according to the directions and priorities that he and his party have. He announced that he will continue with the politics of intimidation.’

‘At the same time, members of the Nationalist Party and their deputies are leaving with one lie after another, including on social media. This action by the establishment is dangerous.’
