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Tips You Need to Know Before Isle of MTV Malta

Tips You Need to Know Before Isle of MTV Malta
Jul 12 2024 Share

As one of the biggest music events of the summer, Isle of MTV Malta attracts thousands of music lovers from all over the world. To ensure you have an unforgettable experience, here are some essential tips to help you make the most of the festival.

Stay Hydrated

Malta’s summer can be intense, and it’s crucial to stay hydrated throughout the day. Make sure to drink plenty of water and avoid excessive alcohol consumption, as it can lead to dehydration.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

With the festival taking place outdoors, you’ll be exposed to the sun for extended periods. Apply a broad-spectrum sunblock with an SPF of at least 30, and don’t forget to reapply it every two hours. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and light, breathable clothing to shield yourself from the sun’s rays.

Plan Your Transport

Check the public bus schedule in advance and plan your journey accordingly. Consider using ride-sharing services or taxis, and be prepared for potential delays. If you’re driving, arrive early to secure parking and avoid traffic congestion.

Arrive Early

To get the best spot and avoid the last-minute rush, aim to arrive early. This will give you ample time to explore the venue, find a comfortable place to enjoy the performances, and familiarise yourself with the amenities and exits.

Stay Connected

Keep your phone charged and have a portable charger handy to stay connected with your friends and family. Agree on a meeting point in case you get separated, and use festival apps or social media updates to stay informed about any changes or important announcements.

Get Familiar

Prepare a playlist of your favourite songs from this year’s headliners and jam out to Raye, Nelly Furtado and DJ Snake before singing along to the real thing on Tuesday 16th July – which track is your favourite?

Respect the Environment

Help keep the festival grounds clean by disposing of your trash properly and recycling when possible. Respect the environment and fellow festival-goers by following the event’s rules and guidelines.

Get your free tickets from isleofmtv.com


Ministry of Health and Active Ageing Announces 24/7 Emergency Services

Ministry of Health and Active Ageing Announces 24/7 Emergency Services
Jul 12 2024 Share

The Ministry of Health and Active Ageing has issued a call for expressions of interest to outsource emergency services to private providers on a round-the-clock, seven days a week.

This initiative seeks to establish a collaboration  between the government and the private sector to enhance emergency care availability. Through this partnership, patients will receive treatment at private hospitals, funded by the government. The initiative aims to complement the existing services at Mater Dei Hospital, thereby improving overall patient care, increasing efficiency, and reducing waiting times.

The Minister for Health and Active Ageing , Jo Etienne Abela, emphasised the patient-centric approach of this initiative. “As I committed in the past six months since taking on the role, we have made patient-focused decisions to address the overcrowding issue  in Mater Dei’s emergency department,” Abela stated. He highlighted that this initiative will help alleviate pressure on Mater Dei while ensuring the highest quality  of service for the patients.

Interested parties are invited to submit their expression of interest by Friday, 19th July 2024. Further details and application information are available on the Ministry of Health’s website.



Eminem Warns Fans Before Listening to His New Album

Jul 12 2024 Share

Eminem has issued a warning to his fans ahead of the release of his eagerly awaited album, The Death of Slim Shady. The iconic rapper, born Marshall Mathers, will release his 12th studio album tomorrow (12 July) and has provided his followers with specific instructions on how to experience it once it’s available.

Now that the wait is over, Eminem took to social media on the eve of his album release to announce that The Death of Slim Shady is a concept album best enjoyed when listened to from start to finish.


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Second Heatwave of 2024 Hits Maltese Islands

Jul 12 2024 Share


June was 1.6°C warmer than the climatic norm. Only 3.8 mm of rain fell during the month. Warmer weather is forecast for the next few days, but a heatwave is not expected.

Following the trend set by previous months, June ushered in the summer season with warm and dry weather. Despite the 3rd of June being the wettest day, with most of the 3.8 mm of rain falling on this day, the rest of the month remained very dry.

With sparse precipitation and persistent heat, last month’s average temperature of 25.8°C exceeded the climatic norm by 1.6°C. The highest temperature was recorded on June 21st, when the second heatwave of the year pushed the mercury up to 35.8°C. However, the record for the highest June temperature remains with June 2021, which saw temperatures soar to 41.5°C. The sea surface temperature also surpassed the climatic norm by 1.7°C, averaging 23.7°C.

Despite being warmer, June 2024 was also duller than usual, with the Meteorological Office recording 312.1 hours of sunshine, nearly 22 hours below the climatic norm. The brightest day was June 8th, with 13.5 hours of sunshine, while the dullest day was June 12th, with less than 3 hours of sunshine.



The Meteorological Office has issued a yellow weather warning, advising the public of rising temperatures over the next few days. The upcoming weekend will see air temperatures climb to 35°C, with a peak of 36°C expected between Monday and Tuesday. The UV index is projected to reach 10, indicating a high risk of harm from unprotected sun exposure.

Despite the high temperatures, which are due to a persistent anticyclone over the African continent, a heatwave is not currently forecast. For a period of hot days to be classified as a heatwave, the highest temperature must exceed the average maximum temperature for the month (31.7°C) by 5°C for three consecutive days. The public is encouraged to visit maltairport.com/weather for the most detailed weather forecast.

